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Filter Applied: nystagmus,upbeating on upgaze (Click to remove)

Paraneoplastic Upbeat Nystagmus
Neurol 77:691-693, Wray, S.H.,et al, 2011

A 48-Year-Old Woman Presenting with Vertigo, Ptosis, and Red Eyes
Neurol 98:678-683, Kim, K.T.,et al, 2022

Wernekink Commissure Syndrome Secondary to Bilateral Caudal Paramedian Midbrain Infarction Presenting with a Unique "Heart or V" Appearance Sign:Case Report and Review of the Literature
Front Neurol soi.10.3389/fneur.2017.00376,Aug, Zhou,C.,et al, 2017

Neuro-Ophthalmologic Manifestations of Paraneoplastic Syndromes
J Neuro-Ophthalmol 28:58-68, Ko,M.W.,et al, 2008

The One- & -A-Half Syndrome-A Unilateral Disorder of the Pontine Tegmentum:A Study of 20 Cases & Review of the Liter
Neurol 33:971-980, Wall,M.,et al, 1983

Medial Medullary Infarction:Analysis of Eleven Patients
Neurol 47:1141-1147, Toyoda,K.,et al, 1996

Vertical and Horizontal Epileptic Gaze Deviation and Nystagmus
Neurol 39:1391-1393, Kaplan,P.W.&Lesser,R.P., 1989

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