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Reversible Cerebral Vasoconstriciton Syndrome, June, Singhal, A., 2019

Carotid Artery Web and Ischemic Stroke
Neurol 88:65-69, Coutinho, J.M.,et al, 2017

Pregnancy, Hormonal Treatments for Infertility, Contraception, and Menopause in Women After Ischemic Stroke
Stroke 48:501-506, Caso, V.,et al, 2017

The Clinical and Radiological Spectrum of Reversible Cerebral Vasoconstriction Syndrome. A Prospective Series of 67 Patients
Brain 130:3091-3101, Ducros, A.,et al, 2007

Thrombosis of the Cerebral VEins and Sinuses
NEJM 352:1791-1798, Stam,J., 2005

Adverse Cardiovascular and Central Nervous System Events Associated with Dietary Supplements Containing Ephedra Alkaloids
NEJM 343:1833-1838,1886, Haller,C.A. & Benowitz,N.L., 2000

History of Migraine and Risk of Cerebral Ischaemia in Young Adults
Lancet 347:1503-1506, Carolei,A.,et al, 1996

Cerebral Venous Thrombosis
Neurol Clin 10:87-111, Ameri,A.&Bousser,M-G., 1992

Risk of Stroke in Women Using Levonorgestrel-Releasing Intrauterine Device for Contraception
Stroke 55:1830-1837, Letnar,G.,et al, 2024

Changing Trends in Demographics, Risk Factors, and Clinical Features of Patients with Infective Endocarditis-Related Stroke, 2005-2015
Neurol 100:e1555-e1564, Ridha,M.,et al, 2023

Early Detection of Underlying Cavernomas in Patients with Spontaneous Acute Intracerebral Hematomas
AJNR 44:807-813, Bani-Sadr,A.,et al, 2023

Cerebrovascular Ischemic Events in Patients with Takayasu Arteritis
Stroke 53:1550-1557, Mirouse, A.,et al, 2022

Cerebrovascular Ischemic Events in Patients with Takayasu Arteritis
Stroke 53:1550-1557, Mirouse, A.,et al, 2022

Body Mass Index in 1.9 Million Adolescents and Stroke in Young Adulthood
Stroke 52:2043-2052, Bardugo, A.,et al, 2021

Vessel Wall MR Imaging for the Detection of Intracranial Inflammatory Vasculopathies
Cardiovasc Diagn Ther 10:1108-1119, Edjlali,M.,et al, 2020

Postraumatic Stress Disorder and Risk for Stroke in Young and Middle-Aged Adults
Stroke 50:2996-2003, Rosman, L.,et al, 2019

Long-Term Risk of Hemorrhagic Stroke In Young Patients with Congenital Heart Disease
Stroke 49:1155-1162, Giang, K.W.,et al, 2018

Sudden-Onset Pulsatile Headache in a Previously Healthy Young Man
Neurol 88:e26-e29, Qin, C.,et al, 2017

Population-based Study of Ischemic Stroke Risk after Trauma in Children and Young Adults
Neurol 89:2310-2316, Fox, C.K.,et al, 2017

Cocaine Use and Risk of Ischemic Stroke in Young Adults
Stroke 47:918-922, Cheng, Y.C.,et al, 2016

Stroke in Commercial Flights
Stroke 47:1117-1119, Alvarez-Velasco, R.,et al, 2016

An Unusual Case of Blurry Vision in a Young Woman After Ovarian Induction
Neurol 87:e49-e53, Parikh, N.S.,et al, 2016

Obesity Increases Risk of Ischemic Stroke in Young Adults
Stroke 46:1690-1692, Mitchell, A.B.,et al, 2015

Immediate Hemorrhagic Transformation After Intravenous Tissue-Type Plasminogen Activator Injection in 2 Cocaine Users
Stroke 46:e167-e169, Baud, M.O.,et al, 2015

Recurrent Stroke in Childhood Cancer Survivors
Neurol 85:1056-1064, Fullerton, H.J.,et al, 2015

Transient Ischemic Attack Requiring Hospitalization of Children in the United States
Stroke 45:887-888, Adil, M.M.,et al, 2014

Growth Hormone Treatment for Childhood Short Stature and Risk of Stroke in Early Adulthood
Neurol 83:780-786, Poidvin, a.,et al, 2014

Ovarian Hyperstimulation Syndrome and Arterial Stroke
Stroke 46:e6-e8, Thornton, K.G.S. & Couillard, P., 2014

Variable Presentations of Postpartum Angiopathy
Stroke 43:670-676, Fugate,J.E.,et al, 2012

Multimodal Imaging of Reversible Cerebral Vasoconstriction Syndrome: A Series of 6 Cases
AJNR 33:1403-1410, Marder, C.P.,et al, 2012

Silent Ischemic Lesions in Young Adults with First Stroke are Associated with Recurrent Stroke
Neurol 79:1208-1214, Gioia, L.C.,et al, 2012

Clinical and MRI characteristics of acute migrainous infarction
Neurol 76:1911-1917, Wolf, M.E.,et al, 2011

Etiologic investigation of ischemic stroke in young adults
Neurol 76:1983-1988, Larrue, V.,et al, 2011

Acute Ischemic Stroke in Children versus Young Adults
Ann Neurol 70:245-254, Bigi, S.,et al, 2011

Hyperthyroidism and Risk of Ischemic Stroke in Young Adults: A 5-Year Follow-Up Study
Stroke 41:961-966, Sheu,J.-J., et al, 2010

Recurrent Ischemic Events in Young Adults After First-Ever Ischemic Stroke
Ann Neurol 68:661-671, Putaala,J.,et al, 2010

Association Between Recent Sports Activity, Sports Activity in Young Adulthood, and Stroke
Stroke 40:425-431, Grau,A.J.,et al, 2009

Triple and Quadruple Spontaneous Cervical Artery Dissection: Presenting Characteristics and Long-Term Outcome
JNNP 80:171-174,130, Arnold,M.,et al, 2009

Analysis of 1008 Consecutive Patients Aged 15 to 49 with First-Ever Ischemic Stroke: The Helsinki Young Stroke Registry
Stroke 40:1195-1203, Putaala,J.,et al, 2009

Migraine and Cardiovascular Disease: Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis
BMJ 339:b3914, Sch�rks,M.,et al, 2009

Recurrent Stroke and Massive Right-to-Left Shunt: Results from the Prospective Spanish Multicenter (CODICIA) Study
Stroke 39:3131-3136, Serena,J.,et al, 2008

Prothombotic Mutations as Risk Factors for Cryptogenic Ischemic Cerebrovascular Events in Young Subjects With Patent Foramen Ovale
Stroke 38:2070-2073, Botto,N.,et al, 2007

Patent Foramen Ovale and Cryptogenic Stroke in Older Patients
NEJM 357:2262-2268, Handke,M.,et al, 2007

Preeclampsia and the Risk of Ischemic Stroke Among Young Women
Stroke 37:1055-1059, Brown,D.W.,et al, 2006

Predictors for Malignant Middle Cerebral Artery infarctions
Neurol 66:815-820, Jaramillo,A.,et al, 2006

Spontaneous Bilateral Internal Carotid Artery Dissection with Acute Stroke in Young Patients
Eur Neurol 56:230-234, Wu,H.-C.,et al, 2006

Carotid Artery Dissection After Treadmill Running
Br J Sports Med 50:e10-311, Macdonald,D.J.M. &McKillop,E.C.A., 2006

Recurrent Stroke Associated with Cannabis Use
JNNP 76:435-437, Mateo,I.,et al, 2005

Major Risk Factors for Intracerebral Hemorrhage in the Young Are Modifiable
Stroke 36:1881-1885, Feldmann,E.,et al, 2005

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