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Initial Management of Seizure in Adults
NEJM 385:251-263, Smith, P.E.M., 2021

Antiseizure Medication Withdrawal in Seizure-Free Patients: Practice Advisory Update Summary
Neurol 97:1072-1081, Gloss, D.,et al, 2021

Neonatal Abstinence Syndrome
JAMA 319:1362-1374, Wachman, E.,et al, 2018

Distinguishing Neuroimaging Features in Patients Presenting with Visual Hallucinations
AJNR 37:774-781, Winton-Brown, T.T.,et al, 2016

Neonatal Abstinence Syndrome
NEJM 375:2468-2479, McQueen, K. & Murphy-Oikonen, J., 2016

Resective Epilepsy Surgery for Drug-Resistant Focal Epilepsy
JAMA 313:285-293, Jobst, B.C. & Cascino, G.D., 2015

Oral Anticoagulants for Stroke Prevention in Atrial Fibrillation: Current Status, Special Situations, and Unmet Needs
Lancet 386:303-310, Verheugt, F.W.A. & Granger, C.B., 2015

Drug Treatment of Epilepsy in Adults
BMJ 348:g2546, Schmidt, D. & Schachter, S.C., 2014

Recognition and Management of Withdrawal Delirium
NEJM 371:2109-2113, Schuckit, M.A., 2014

Frequency and Prognosis of Convulsive Status Epilepticus of Different Causes: A Systematic Review
Arch Neurol 67:931-940, Neligan,A., et al, 2010

A Systematic Review of Antiepilpetic Drug Initiation and Withdrawal
The Neurologist 15:122-131, Shih,J.J &Ochoa,J.G., 2009

Initial Management of Epilepsy
NEJM 359:166-176, French,J.A. &Pedley,T.A., 2008

The Alcohol Withdrawal Syndrome
JNNP 79:854-862, McKeon,A.,et al., 2008

Febrile Seizures
BMJ 334:307-11, Sadleir,L.G. &Scheffer,I.E., 2007

Hemispherectomy for Intractable Epilepsy in Adults: The First Reported Series
Ann Neurol 61:372-376, McClelland,S. III &Maxwell,R.E., 2007

Guidelines for the Management of Spontaneous Intracerebral Hemorrhage in Adults: 2007 Update
Stroke 38:2001-2023, Broderick,J.,et al, 2007

Chronic Daily Headache
NEJM 354:158-165, Dodick,D.W., 2006

Epilepsy in Children
Lancet 367:499-524, Guerrini,R., 2006

The First Seizure and Its Management in Adults and Children
BMJ 332:339-342, Pohlmann-Eden,B.,et al, 2006

Adult Epilepsy
Lancet 367:1087-1100, Duncan,J.S.,et al, 2006

Incidence, Cause, and Short-Term Outcome of Convulsive Status Epilepticus in Childhood: Prospective Population-Based Study
Lancet 368:222-229, Chin,R.F.M.,et al, 2006

The Serotonin Syndrome
NEMJ 352:1112-20, Boyer, E.W. & Shannon, M., 2005

Practice Parameter: Treatment of the Child with a First Unprovoked Seizure
Neurol 60:166-175, Hirtz,D.,et al, 2003

Management of Drug and Alcohol Withdrawal
NEJM 348:1786-1795, Kosten,T.R. &O'Connor,P.G., 2003

NEJM 344:1145-1151, Browne,T.R. & Holmes,G.L., 2001

Predictors of Multiple Seizures in a Cohort of Children Prospectively Followed from the Time of their First Unprovoked Seizure
Ann Neurol 48:140-147, 137, Shinnar,S. et al, 2000

Management of Epilepsy in Adolescents and Adults
Lancet 356:323-329, Brodie,M.J. & French,J.A., 2000

Medical Management of Epilepsy in Adults
Neurol 51:S15-S20, Mattson,R.H., 1999

When to Start and Stop Anticonvulsant Therapy in Children
Arch Neurol 56:1073-1077, Greenwood,R.S.&Tennison,M.B., 1999

Epilepsy in Young People:23 Year Follow Up of the British National Child Development Study
BMJ 316:339-342, Kurtz,Z.,et al, 1998

Temporal Lobe Epilepsy in Childhood:Clin, EEG, & Neuroimag Findings & Synd Class in a Cohort with New-Onset Szres
Neurol 49:960-968, Harvey,A.S.,et al, 1998

Long-Term Prognosis of Seizures with Onset in Childhood
NEJM 338:1715-1722, Sillanpaa,M.,et al, 1998

Medical Causes of Seizures
Lancet 352:383-390, Delanty,N.,et al, 1998

Epileptology of the First-Seizure Presentation:A Clinical,Electroencephalographic,and Magnetic Resonance Imaging Study of 300 Consecutive Patients
Lancet 352:1007-1011,1003, King,M.A.,et al, 1998

Pharmacological Management of Alcohol Withdrawal
JAMA 278:144-151, Mayo-Smith,M.F., 1997

Epilepsy in Childhood
BMJ 315:924-930, Neville,B.G.R., 1997

If First AED Fails to Control Child's Epilepsy, What Are the Chances of Success with Next Drug
J Pediatr 131:821-824, 7941997., Camfield,P.R.,et al, 1997

Antiepileptic Drugs
NEJM 334:168-175, Brodie,M.J.&Dichter,M.A., 1996

Practice Parameter:A Guideline for Discontinuing Antiepileptic Drugs in Seizure-Free Patients-Summary Statement
Neurol 47:600-602, Rosenberg,J.H., 1996

Simple Partial Status Epilepticus:Causes, Treatment and Outcome in 47 Patients
JNNP 61:90-92, Scholtes,F.B.,et al, 1996

Non-Convulsive Status Epilepticus:Causes, Treatment, and Outcome in 65 Patients
JNNP 61:93-95, Scholtes,F.B.,et al, 1996

Long-Term Therapeutic Management of Epilepsy
Ann Int Med 120:411-422, French,J., 1994

JNNP 57:264-277, Chadwick,D., 1994

A Longitudinal Assessment of Seizure Outcome and Overall Benefit From 100 Cortectomies for Epilepsy
JNNP 55:762-767, Rougier,a.,et al, 1992

Cortical Resection for Children with Epilepsy
Am J Dis Child 145:314-320, Wyllie,E., 1991

Medical Assessment and Treatment of Chronic Epilepsy
BMJ 302:363-366, Shorvon,S.D., 1991

The Risk of Seizure Recurrence Following a First Unprovoked Seizure:A Quantitative Review
Neurol 41:965-972, Berg,A.T.&Shinnar,S., 1991

Febrile Convulsions
BMJ 303:1345-1346, Robinson,R.J., 1991

Diagnosis of Epilepsy
Lancet 336:291-295, Chadwick,D., 1990

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