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Candida Infections of the Central Nervous System
UptoDate Jan, Kauffman, C.A., 2016

The Central Nervous system and Infection by Candida Species
Diagn Microbial Infect Dis 37:169-179, Sanchez-Portocarrero, J.,et al, 2000

Chronic Ureaplasma Urealyticum & Mycoplasma Hominis Infections of Central Nervous System in Preterm Infants
Lancet 1:17-21, Waites,K.B.,et al, 1988

Lethal Cytomegalovirus Infection in Preterm Infants:Clinical, Radiological, and Neuropathological Findings
Ann Neurol 31:64-68, Perlman,J.M.&Argyle,C., 1992

Neuro CPC of MGH
Congenital Toxoplasmosis Involving CNS, NEJM 269:369-3741963., , 1963

Neonatal Seizures
NEJM 388:1692-1700, Ropper.A.H., 2023

Infantile and Childhood Hydrocephalus
NEJM 387:2067-2073, Whitehead,W.E.&Weiner,J.L., 2022

Effect of Chorioamnionitis on Brain Development and Injury in Premature Newborns
Ann Neurol 66:155-164, 127, Chau,V.,et al, 2009

Antenatal Glucocorticoid Treatment and Cystic Periventricular Leukomalacia in Very Premature Infants
NEJM 341:1190-1196,1229, Baud,O.,et al, 1999

Prevention of Brain Haemorrhage and Ischaemic Injury in Premature Babies
Lancet 348:208-209, Koppe,J.G., 1996

Perinatal Risk Associated with Maternal Genital Herpes Simplex Virus Infection
Am J OB Gyn 110:825-837, Nahmias,A.J.,et al, 1971

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