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Clinical and Radiological Characteristics and Outcome of Wake-Up Intracerebral Hemorrhage 10:18749, Marti-Fabregas, J.,et al, 2020

Neuro-Sweet Disease Presenting as Ischemic Stroke and Aseptic Meningitis
Neurol 91:e2197-e2199, Das, A.S.,et al, 2018

Ischemic Optic Neuropathies
NEJM 372:2428-2436, Biousse, V. & Newman, N.J., 2015

Clinical Reasoning: A 33-year-old Woman with Severe Postpartum Occipital Headaches
Neurol 78:366-369, Maalouf,N. and Harik,S.I., 2012

Intraventricular Hemorrhage
UpToDate, Sept, Cucchiara B.L. and Pacelli, J.P., 2011

Aldosterone-Producing Adrenal Adenoma and Idiopathic Intracranial Hypertension- A Pathogenetic Link for Aldosterone?
Q J Med 103:699-702, Chitalia, N.,et al, 2010

Clinicopath Conf, Multiple Bilateral Cerebral Infarcts with Intracerebral Hemorrhage in Reversible Cerebral Vasoconstrictive Syndrome
NEJM 360:1126-1137, Case 8-2009, 2009

Strokes at Time of Disease Diagnosis in a Series of 287 Patients with Biopsy-Proven Giant Cell Arteritis
Medicine 88:227-235, Gonzalez-Gay,M.A.,et al, 2009

Nervous system dysfunction in Henoch-Schonlein Syndrome: Systematic review of the Literature
Rheumatol 48:1524-1529, Garzoni, L.,et al, 2009

Lancet 366:665-675, Lenders,J.W.M.,et al, 2005

Reversible Posterior Leukoencephalopathy Syndrome
Intern Med J 35:83-90, Stott,V.L.,et al, 2005

Fibromuscular Dysplasia
NEJM 350:1862-1871, Slovut,D.P. &Olin,J.W., 2004

Clinicopath Conf,Classic Polyarteritis Nodosa Associated with Hepatitis B Infection
NEJM 348:333-342, Case 3-2003, 2003

Clinical Features of Nipah Virus Encephalitis Among Pig Farmers in Malaysia
NEJM 342:1229-1235, Goh,K.J.,et al, 2000

Clinicopath Conf
Hypertension, MI, and Cerebral Infarctions with Pheochromocytoma, Am J Med 100:357-36496., , 1996

Takayasu's Arteritis
Stroke Syndromes, Eds Bogousslavsky & Caplan, Cambridge Univ Press, Chp 48, p 439-442, Naritomi,H., 1995

Delayed Peripartum Vasculopathy:Cerebral Eclampsia Revisited
Ann Neurol 33:222-225, Raps,E.C.,et al, 1993

Clinicopath Conf
Cerebral Vasculitis Involving Small Vessels, Consistent with Cocaine, Cerebral Hemorrhage, Case 27-1, 93, 329:117-122,1993., 1993

Postpartum Eclampsia and Subarachnoid Hemorrhage
J Stroke Cerebrovasc Dis, 2:151-1531992., Finelli,P.F., 1992

Fatal Peurperal Cerebral Vasospasm and Stroke in a Young Woman
Neurol 41:1145-1147, Geraghty,J.J.,et al, 1991

Central Nervous System Infarction Related to Cocaine Abuse
Stroke 22:1320-1325, Daras,M.,et al, 1991

Putaminal Hemorrhage:Clinical-Computed Tomographic Correlations
Neuroradiology 32:200-206, Weisberg,L.A.,et al, 1990

Adverse Drug Effects Attributed to Phenylpropanolamine:A Review of 142 Case Reports
Am J Med 89:195-208, Lake,C.R.,et al, 1990

Intracerebral Hemorrhage Following Scorpion Bite
Neurol 40:1801, Rai,M.,et al, 1990

Cerebellar Stroke
Editorial, Lancet 1:1031-10321988., , 1988

Cholesterol Crystal Embolization:A Review of 221 Cases in the English Literature
Angiology 38:769-784, Fine,M.J.,et al, 1987

Benign Acute Cerebral Angiography. 4 Cases
Revue Neurologique 141:786-792, Michel,D.,et al, 1985

Hypertensive Encephalopathy & the Neurologic Manifestations of Malignant Hypertension
Neurol 32:127-132, Healton,E.B.,et al, 1982

Von Recklinghausen Neurofibromatosis
NEJM 305:1617-1627, Riccardi,V.M., 1981

Thalamic Hemorrhage:A Computed Yomographic-clinical Correlation
Neurol 27:217, Walshe,T.M.,et al, 1977

Effects of Learning on Visceral Functions-Biofeedback
NEJM 296:1274, Miller,N.E.,et al, 1977

Case Records of MGH-Polycythemia
Carotid Occlusion & Cerebral Infarcts, NEJM 291:96674., , 1974

The Neurologist's Experience with Pheochromocytoma
JAMA 197:100, Thomas,J.E.,et al, 1966

Central Nervous System Manifestations of Periarteritis Nodosa
Neurol 15:114, Ford,R.G.,et al, 1965

Neuro CPC of MGH
Cerebellar Hemorrhage, NEJM 267:823-8271962., , 1962

Clinicopathologic Conference, Infant Botulism, Case 3-2024
NEJM 390:358-366, Case 3-2024, 2024

2024 Guide for the Primary Prevention of Stroke:A Guideline From the American Heart Association/American Stroke Association
Stroke 55:e344-e424, Bushnell,C.,et al, 2024

Posterior Reversible Encephalopathy Syndrome
NEJM 388:2171-2178, Geocadin,R.G., 2023

Lenvatinib Therapy for Advanced Thyroid Cancer: Real-Life Data on Safety, Efficacy, and Some Rare Side Effects
JENDSO 6:1-7, Hamidi, S.,et al, 2022

A 36-Year-Old Woman Presenting with Headache Postpartum
Neurol 96:e1585-e1589, Nehme, A.,et al, 2021

Clinicopathologic Conference, Pheochromocytoma
NEJM 384:1145-1155, Case 9-2021, 2021

A 65-year-old Woman with Subacute Hemiballism
Neurol 92:345-349, Cacic, K.,et al, 2019

A Case of Acute Encephalopathy and Rigidity in a 30-Year-Old Man
Neurol 93:759-763, Hurtubise, B. & MacLellan, A., 2019

Mixed-Location Cerebral Hemorrhage/Microbleeds
Neurol 90:e119-e126, Pasi, M.,et al, 2018

Optic Nerve Head Edema Among Patients Presenting to the Emergency Department
Neurol 90:e373-e379, Sachdeva, V.,et al, 2018

Fatal Stroke in Pregnancy and the Puerperium
Stroke 49:3050-3053, Lappin, J.M.,et al, 2018

Distribution of Lacunes in Cerebral Amyloid Angiopathy and Hypertensive Small Vessel Disease
Neurol 88:2162-2168, Pasi, M.,et al, 2017

BMI Increase through Puberty and Adolescence is Associated with Risk of Adult
Neurol 89:363-369, Ohlsson, C.,et al, 2017

Increasing Prevalence of Vascular Risk Factors in Patients with Stroke
Neurol 89:1985-1994, Otite, F.O.,et al, 2017

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