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The Acquired Metabolic Disorders of the Nervous System, Uremic Encephalopathy
Adams & Victors Principles of Neurology Chp 40, pg 1145, Ropper, A.H.,et al, 2014

Uraemic Myoclonus:An Example of Reticular Reflex Myoclonus
JNNP 42:52-55, Chadwick,D.,et al, 1979

Neurologic Disorders in Renal Failure (1st of Two Parts)
NEJM 294:143, Raskin,N.H.,et al, 1976

Neurologic Disorders Seen In the Uremic Patient
Arch Int Med 126:781, Tyler,H.R., 1970

Neurologic Disorders in Renal Failure
Am J Med 44:734, Tyler,H.R., 1968

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