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Neurologic Manifestations of HIV Infection
Ann Int Med 121:769-785, Simpson,D.M.&Tagliati,M., 1994

Spinal Cord Ischemia: Practical Imaging Tips, Pearls, and Pitfalls
AJNR 36:825-830, Vargas, M.I.,et al, 2015

Recognizing Autoimmune-Mediated Encephalitis in the Differential Diagnosis of Limbic Disorders
AJNR 36:2196-2205, da Rocha, A.J.,et al, 2015

Transverse Myelitis
NEJM 363:564-572, Frohman,E.M. &Wingerchuk,D.M., 2010

An Approach to the Diagnosis of Acute Transverse Myelitis
Semin Neurol 28:105-120, Jacob, A.,et al, 2008

Primary Angiitis of the Central Nervous System: Emerging Variants
Q J Med 98:643-654, Maclaren,K.,et al, 2005

Proposed Diagnostic Criteria and Nosology of Acute Transverse Myelitis
Neurol 59:499-505, Transverse Myelitis Consortium Working Group, 2002

Lyme Neuroborreliosis
Ann Neurol 37:691-702, Garcia-Monco,J.C.&Benach,J.L., 1995

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