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Strokelike Episodes in a Patient with Chronic Gait Abnormalities
JAMA Neurol 76:621-622, Santoro, J.D. & Chitnis, T., 2019

Man with Recurrent Paralysis and Cerebral White Matter Lesions
JAMA Neurol 74:599-600, Xiao, F., 2017

A 34-Year-Old Man with Headache, Diploplia, and Hemiparesis
Neurol 86:e28, Lincoln, M.R.,et al, 2016

A 63-Year-Old Woman with Urinary Incontinence and Progressive Gait Disorder
Neurol 72:1607-1613, Lossos,A.,et al, 2009

Brain MRI and Electrophysiologic Abnormalities in Preclinical and Clinical Adrenomyeloneuropathy
Neurol 42:85-91, Aubourg,P.,et al, 1992

A 51-Year-Old Woman with Abnormal Corups Callosum Signal
JAMA Neurol 81:192-193, Xie,N. & Sun, Q, 2024

A 19-Month Old Girl with Infantile-Onset Myopathy and White Matter Changes
Neurol 102:e209258, Lail,G.,et al, 2024

A 24-Year-Old Man with Gait Impairment, Hearing Loss, and Recurrent Fever
Neurol 102:e209358, Barbosa,A.R.,et al, 2024

Rapidly Progressive Dementia in a Man With HIV Infection and Undetectable Plasma Viral Load
Neurol 100:344-348, Chishimba,L.C.,et al, 2023

Posterior Reversible Encephalopathy Syndrome
NEJM 388:2171-2178, Geocadin,R.G., 2023

Diagnosis of Myelin Oligodendrocyte Glycoprotein Antibody-Associated Disease:International MOGAD Panel Proposed Criteria
Lancet Neurol doi.org110.1016/51474-4422(22)00431-8, Banwell,B.,et al, 2023

Lenvatinib Therapy for Advanced Thyroid Cancer: Real-Life Data on Safety, Efficacy, and Some Rare Side Effects
JENDSO 6:1-7, Hamidi, S.,et al, 2022

Neuromyelitis Optica Spectrum Disorder
NEJM 387:631-639, Wingerchuk, D.M. & Lucchinetti, C.F., 2022

A 23-Year-Old Woman Presenting with Cognitive Impairment and Gait Disturbance
Neurol 99:997-1003, Chaity,D.K.,et al, 2022

A Triad of Tremor, Ataxia, and Cognitive Impairment
Neurol 96:e1802-e1803, Au, L.W.C.,et al, 2021

Clinicopathologic Conference, Delayed Postthypoxic Leukoencephalopathy
NEJM 384:2438-2445, Case 19-2021, 2021

A 65-Year-Old Woman with Tremor
Neurol 97:e1257-e1261, Ye, J.,et al, 2021

Hypotonia and Delayed Teeth Eruption in a 2-Year-Old Girl
Neurol 97:875-878, Dinov, D.,et al, 2021

Clinical and Neuroimaging Findings in MOGAD-MRI and OCT
Clin Exp Immunol 206:266-281, Bartels,F.,et al, 2021

A 42-year-old Woman with Progressive Cognitive Difficulties and Gait Imbalance
Neurol 94:e1219-e1226, Slama, M.C.C.,et al, 2020

A 25-year-old Woman with Recurrent Episodes of Collapse and Loss of Consciousness
Neurol 94:994-999, Wildman, J.,et al, 2020

An 11-year-old girl with focal seizures, fevers, and unilateral, enhancing cortical lesions
Neurol 95:e3153-e3159, Russ, J.B.,et al, 2020

A 47-year-old Man with Diffuse White Matter Disease and Rapidly Progressive Dementia
Neurol 92:e2832-e2837, Di Luca, D.G.,et al, 2019

Pes Cavus and Neuropathy
Neurol 93:e823-e826, Alderson,J.,& Ghosh,P.S., 2019

A Rare Case of Metachromatic Leukodystrophy with Multiple Bilateral Cranial Nerve Enhancement
Neurol 93:e1742-e1743, Sonowal, P.,et al, 2019

GGC Repeat Expansion of NOTCH2NLC in Adult Patients with Leukoencephalopathy
Ann Neurol 86:962-968,809, Okubo, M.,et al, 2019

Lyme Disease: What the Neuroradiologist Needs to Know
AJNR 40:1998-2000, Valand, H.A.,et al, 2019

Seizures and Encephalitis in Myelin Oligodendrocyte Glycoprotein IgG Disease vs Aquaporin 4 IgG Disease
JAMA Neurol 75:65-71, Hamid, S.H.M.,et al, 2018

Antibody-Mediated Encephalitis
NEJM 378:840-851, Dalmau, J.,et al, 2018

Fulminant Encephalopathy with Unusual Brain Imaging in Disulfiram Toxicity
Neurol 90:518-519, Peddawad, D.,et al, 2018

A 12-year-old girl with headache and change in mental status
Neurol 90:524-529, Patel, P.,et al, 2018

Clinicopathologic Conference, Poststroke Mania and the Frontal Lobe Syndrome
NEJM 379:182-189, Case 21-2018, 2018

Selenium Toxicity Associated with Reversible Leukoencephalopathy and Cortical Blindness
JAMA Neurol 75:1282-1283, Rae, W.,et al, 2018

Cerebral White Matter Abnormalities in Patients with Charcot-Marie-Tooth Disease
Ann Neurol 81:147-151, Lee, M.,et al, 2017

Personality Changes, Executive Dysfunction, and Motor and Memory Impairment
JAMA Neurol 74:245-246, Lopez Chiriboga, A.S.,et al, 2017

Action Tremor, Impaired Balance, and Executive Dysfunction in Midlife
JAMA Neurol 74:603-604, Birch, R.C. & Trollor, J.N., 2017

Clinicopathologic Conference, Advanced AIDS Complicated by HSV-1 Encephalopathy. Basal-Cell Carcinoma. Kaposis Sarcoma.
NEJM 376:2580-2589, Case 20-2017, 2017

A Case of Fulminant Encephalopathy in a 69-year-old Woman
Neurol 89:e109-e114, Lamotte, G. and Williams, C, 2017

A 50-year-old Woman with SLE and a Tumefactive Lesion
Neurol 89:e140-e145, Choi, J.H.,et al, 2017

Neuroimaging Changes in Menkes Disease, Part 1
AJNR 38:1850-1857, Manara, R.,et al, 2017

A 55-year-old Man with Rapidly Progressive Dementia and Parkinsonism
Neurol 89:e182-e187, Tabuas-Pereira, M.,et al, 2017

Neuropsychiatric Involvement of Behcets Disease Dec, Soyak, M., 2017

Validation of Clinicoradiological Criteria for the Diagnosis of Cerebral Amyloid Angiopathy-Related Inflammation
JAMA Neurol 73:197-202, Auriel, E.,et al, 2016

Neuromyelitis Optica Spectrum Disorders
UpToDate, May, Glisson,C.C., 2016

A Woman with Intellectual Disability, Amenorrhoea, Seizures, and Balance Problems
JAMA Neurol 73:1494-1495, Hughes, A.J.C.,et al, 2016

Acute Hippocampal and Chronic Diffuse White Matter Involvement in Severe Methanol Intoxication
Neurol 87:2382-2383, Takeshige, H.,et al, 2016

Reversible Corona Radiata Diffusion Restriction in Hypoglycemic Coma
Neurohosp 5:45-46, Slater, L.,et al, 2015

Characyeristic features and progression of abnormalities on MRI for CARASIL
Neurol 85:459-463, Sekine, Y., etal, 2015

Progressive Parkinsonism, Balance Difficulties, and Supranuclear Gaze Palsy
JAMA Neurol 71:104-107, Erro, R.,et al, 2014

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