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Filter Applied: mitochondrial encephalomyopathy (Click to remove)

Mitochondrial DNA and Disease
NEJM 333:638-644, Johns,D.R., 1995

Clinicopathologic Conference, MELAS (mitochondrial encephalopathy, lactic acidosis, and stroke like episodes)
NEJM 376:1668-1678, CASE 13-2017, 2017

A Young Man with Progressive Vision and Hearing Loss
JAMA Neurol 73:880-883, Kung, N.H.,et al, 2016

MELAS, August, Klopstock, T., 2012

Serial Diffusion Imaging in a Case of Mitochondrial Encephalomyopathy, Lactic Acidosis, and Stroke-Like Episodes
Stroke 40:e15-e17, Tzoulis,C. &Bindoff,L.A., 2009

Clinicopath Conf., MELAS Syndrome
NEJM 353:2271-2280, Case 36-2005, 2005

A Practical Approach to the Diagnosis and Management of MELAS: Case Report and Review
The Neurologist 8:302-312, Thambisetty,M.,et al, 2002

Adult-Onset MELAS Presenting as Herpes Encephalitis
Arch Neurol 56:241-243, Sharfstein,S.R.,et al, 1999

Adult-Onset MELAS
Stroke 27:1420-1423, Gilchrist,J.M.,et al, 1996

Evidence for Cardioembolic Stroke in a Case of Kearns-Sayre Syndrome
Stroke 26:1950-1952, Kosinski,C.,et al, 1995

The Syndrome of MELAS Presenting without Stroke
Arch Neurol 50:275-278, Mosewich,R.K.,et al, 1993

Mitochondrial Encephalomyopathy, Lactic Acidosis, Stroke-Like Episodes (MELAS) :Clinical, Radiological, Pathol & Genetic Observ
Ann Neurol 34:25-31, Koo,B.,et al, 1993

MELAS Syndrome:Characteristic Migrainous & Epileptic Features and Maternal Transmission
Neurol 38:751-754, Montagne,P.,et al, 1988

MELAS Syndrome Involving a Mother & Two Children
Arch Neurol 44:971-973, Driscoll,P.F.,et al, 1987

Mitochondrial Myopathy, Encephalopathy, Lactic Acidosis, & Strokelike Episodes:A Distinctive Clinical Syndrome
Ann Neurol 16:481-488, Pavlakis,S.G.,et al, 1984

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