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Tentorial Hemorrhage Associated with Vacuum Extraction
Pediatrics 85:534-539, Hanigan,W.C.,et al, 1990

Intracranial Hemorrhage in the Term Newborn
Arch Neurol 41:30-34, Fenichel,G.M.,et al, 1984

Brachial Plexus Ultrasound and MRI in Children with Brachial Plexus Birth Injury
AJNR 39:1745-1750, Gunes, A.,et al, 2018

Frequency and Natural History of Subdural Haemorrhages in Babies and Relation to Obstetric Factors
Lancet 363:846-851, Whitby,E.H.,et al, 2004

Upper Cervical Spinal Cord Injury in Neonates: The Use of Magnetic Resonance Imaging
J Pediatr 138:105-108, Mills,J.F.,et al, 2001

Brachial Palsies from Obstetric procedures
Lancet 354:614-615, Kay,S., 1999

Effect of Mode of Delivery in Nulliparous Women on Neonatal Intracranial Injury
NEJM 341:1709-1714,1758, Towner,D.,et al, 1999

Management Issues for Women with Epilepsy,A Review of the Literature
Neurol 51:949-956, Zahn,C.A.,et al, 1998

Practice Parameter,Management Issues for Women with Epilepsy (Summary Statement)
Neurol 51:944-948, Rpt of the Quality Stnds Subcmte AAN, 1998

Transsection of the Spinal Cord Associated with Breech Delivery
Am J Dis Child 146:351-352, DiMario,F.J.&Wood,B.P., 1992

Birth Injury-Induced Glossolaryngeal Paresis
Neurol 37:533-535, Greenberg,S.J.,et al, 1987

Hemophilia Presenting with Intracranial Hemorrhage, An Approach to Infant Intracranial Bleeding & Coagulopathy
Am J Dis Child 141:1215-1217, Bray,G.L.,et al, 1987

Subgaleal Hematoma, A Complication of Instrumental Delivery
JAMA 244:1597-1598, Plauche,W.C., 1980

Thrombosis of the Middle Cerebral Artery Associated with Birth Trauma
Neurol 30:889-892, Roessmann,U.,et al, 1980

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