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Neurologic Complications of Babesiosis, United States, 2011-2021
Emerg Inf Dis 29:1127-1135, Locke,S.,et al, 2023

Aspergillus Meningitis: A Rare Clinical Manifestation of Central Nervous System Aspergillosis
J Infect 66:218-238, Antinori, S.,et al, 2013

Central Nervous System Infection with Listeria Monocytogenes
Medicine 77:313-316, Mylonakis,E.,et al, 1998

Acute Bacterial Meningitis in Adults, A Review of 493 Episodes
NEJM 328:21-28, Durand,M.L.,et al, 1993

Randomized Controlled Trial of Trigeminal Nerve Stimulation for Drug-Resistant Epilepsy
Neurol 80:786-791,780, DeGiorgio, C.,et al, 2013

Rapidly Progressive Alzheimer Disease
Arch Neurol 68:1124-1130, Schmidt, C.,et al, 2011

Drug-Induced Hypoglycemic Coma in 102 Diabetic Patients
Arch Int Med 159:281-284, Ben-Ami,H.,et al, 1999

Superior Sagittal Sinus Thrombosis
Arch Neurol 34:2, Gettelfinger,D.M.,et al, 1977

Clinicopathologic Conference, Mycobacterium Tuberculosis Meningitis
NEJM 384:166-176, Case 1-2021, 2021

Native-Valve Infective Endocarditis
NEJM 383:567-576, Chambers, H.F. & Bayer, A.S., 2020

Autoantibodies to Glutamic Acid Decarboxylase in Patients with Epilepsy and Their Relationship with Type 1 Diabetes: A Pilot Study
JNNP 87:676-677, Moloney T.C.,et al, 2016

Central Nervous System Aspergillosis
Medicine 91:328-336, Kourkoumpetis, T.,et al, 2012

MELAS, August, Klopstock, T., 2012

Cerebral Amyloid Angiopathy as Cause of Convexity SAH in the Elderly
Neurologist 16:37-40, Finelli,P., 2010

Spectrum of Neurological Syndromes Associated with Glutamic Acid Decarboxylase Antibodes: Diagnostic Clues for this Association
Brain 131:2553-2563, Saiz,A., et al, 2008

Safety and Efficacy of Buccal Midazolam Versus Rectal Diazepam for Emergency Treatment of Seizures in Children: A Randomised Controlled Trial
Lancet 366:205-210,182, McIntyre,J.,et al, 2005

Hyperglycemic Hemianopia: A Reversible Complication of Non-Ketotic Hyperglycemia
Neurol 65:616-619, Lavin,P.J.M., 2005

Wolfram Syndrome:Hereditary Diabetes Mellitus with Brainstem and Optic Atrophy
Ann Neurol 39:352-360, Scolding,N.J.,et al, 1996

Mitochondrial DNA and Disease
NEJM 333:638-644, Johns,D.R., 1995

Wolfram Syndrome:Evidence of a Diffuse Neurodegenerative Disease by Magnetic Resonance Imaging
Neurol 42:1220-1224, 1992,, Rando,T.A.,et al, 1992

The Effect of Epilepsy or Diabetes Mellitus on the Risk of Automobile Accidents
NEJM 324:22-26, 54-551991., Hansotia,P.&Broste,S.K., 1991

Progressive Rubella Panencephalitis
In Handbk of Clin Neurol, Vinken & Bruyn, Ed, N Holland Publ Co, 56:405-416, Wolinsky,J.S., 1990

Autoantibodies to Glutamic Acid Decarboxylase in Pt with Stiff-Man Syndr, Epilepsy & Type I Diabetes Mellitus
NEJM 318:1012-1020, Solimena,M.,et al, 1988

Juvenile Myasthenia Gravis
Neurol 30:732-739, Snead,O.C.,et al, 1980

Epilepsia Partialis Continua Associated with Non-ketotic Hyperglycemia:Clinical & Biochem Profile of 21 Patients
Ann Neurol 8:155-160, Singh,B.M.,et al, 1980

Blindness of Cerebral Origin in Acute Intermittent Porphyria
Arch Neurol 34:310, Lai,C.,et al, 1977

Neurological Problems in Endocrine Diseases
Med Clin North Am 56:1029, Dale,A., 1972

Risk of Dementia After Initiation of Sodium-Glucose Cotransporter-2 Inhibitors Versus Dipeptidyl Peptidase-4 Inhibitors in Adults Aged 40-69 years with type 2 Diabetes:Population Based Cohort Study
BMJ doi:10.1136/BMJ-2024-07945, Shin,A., et al, 2024

Oral and Topical Treatment of Painful Diabetic Polyneuropathy: Practice Guideline Update Summary
Neurol 98:31-43, Price, R.,et al, 2022

Incidence, Risk Factors, and Outcomes of Stroke Following Cardiac Transplantation
Stroke 52:e720-e724, Alnsasra, H.,et al, 2021

Clinicopathologic Conference, Cushings syndrome due to a well-differentiated, low-grade thymic neuroendocrine tumor with corticotropin
NEJM 378:2322-2332, Case 18-2018, 2018

Efficacy of Botulinum Toxin A for Treating Cramps in Diabetic Neuropathy
Ann Neurol 84:682-690, Restivo, D.A.,et al, 2018

Pharmacotherapy for Diabetic Peripheral Neuropathy Pain and Quality of Life
Neurol 88:1958-1967, Waldfogel, J.M.,et al, 2017

Increasing Prevalence of Vascular Risk Factors in Patients with Stroke
Neurol 89:1985-1994, Otite, F.O.,et al, 2017

Restless Legs Syndrome Associated with Major Diseases
Neurol 86:1336-1343, Trenkwalder, C.,et al, 2016

Diabetic Sensory and Motor Neuropathy
NEJM 374:1455-1464, Vinik, A.I.,et al, 2016

Emerging Risk Factors for Recurrent Vascular Events in Patients with Embolic Stroke of Unertermined Source
Stroke 47:2714-2721, Ueno, Y.,et al, 2016

Ischemic Optic Neuropathies
NEJM 372:2428-2436, Biousse, V. & Newman, N.J., 2015

Intracranial Atherosclerosis
Lancet 383:984-998, Qureshi, A. & Caplan, L.R., 2014

An Old Woman with Pressure Ulcer, Rigidity, and Opisthotonus: Never Forget Tetanus!
Lancet 384:2266, Verde, F.,et al, 2014

Guidelines for the Primary Prevention of Stroke: A Guideline for Healthcare Professionals From the American Heart Association/American Stroke Association
Stroke 42:512-584, Goldstein,L.B.,et al, 2011

Evidence-based guideline: Treatment of painful diabetic neuropathy
Neurol 76:1758-1765, Bril,V., et al, 2011

Recurrent Ischemic Events in Young Adults After First-Ever Ischemic Stroke
Ann Neurol 68:661-671, Putaala,J.,et al, 2010

Atrial Fibrillation Detected by Mobile Cardiac Outpatient Telemetry in Cryptogenic TIA or Stroke
Neurol 71:1696-1701, Tayal,A.H.,et al, 2008

Risk Factors of Cerebral Vein and Sinus Thrombosis
Front Neurol Neurosci 23:23-54, de Freitas, G.R. & Bogousslavsky, J., 2008

Thoracic Spinal Epidural Abscess Caused by Salmonella Typhi
Neurol Med Chir (Tokyo) 48:140-142, Abdullah, S.H.,et al, 2008

Short-Term Risk for Stroke Is Doubled in Persons With Newly Treated Type 2 Diabetes Compared With Persons Without Diabetes: A Population-Based Cohort Study
Stroke 38:1739-1743, Jeerakathil,T.,et al, 2007

Effects of Treatments for Symptoms of Painful Diabetic Neuropathy: Systematic Review
BMJ 335:87-90, Wong,M.-C.,et al, 2007

Recurrent Lacunar Infarction Following a Previous Lacunar Stroke: A Clinical Study of 122 Patients
JNNP 78:1392-1394, Arboix,A.,et al, 2007

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