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Clinicopathologic Conference, MELAS (mitochondrial encephalopathy, lactic acidosis, and stroke like episodes)
NEJM 376:1668-1678, CASE 13-2017, 2017

Clinical Reasoning: Encephalopathy in a 10-year-old boy
Neurol 79:e12-e18, Rodan, L. & Tein, I., 2012

Clinicopath Conf., MELAS Syndrome
NEJM 353:2271-2280, Case 36-2005, 2005

A Practical Approach to the Diagnosis and Management of MELAS: Case Report and Review
The Neurologist 8:302-312, Thambisetty,M.,et al, 2002

Mitochondrial DNA and Disease
NEJM 333:638-644, Johns,D.R., 1995

Diagnostic Criteria for Rett Syndrome
The Rett Syndrome Diagnostic Criteria Work Group, Ann Neurol 23:425-4281988., , 1988

Neurological Manifestations in Xeroderma Pigmentosum
Ann Neurol 20:70-75, Mimaki,T.,et al, 1986

Mitochondrial Myopathies
Ann Neurol 17:521-538, DiMauro,S.,et al, 1985

Mitochondrial Myopathy, Encephalopathy, Lactic Acidosis, & Strokelike Episodes:A Distinctive Clinical Syndrome
Ann Neurol 16:481-488, Pavlakis,S.G.,et al, 1984

A 30-Year-Old Woman Presenting with Rapidly Progressive Dementia and Extreme Hypoglycorrhachia
Neurol 102:e209188, Bai,X.,et al, 2024

A 51-Year-Old Woman with Abnormal Corups Callosum Signal
JAMA Neurol 81:192-193, Xie,N. & Sun, Q, 2024

Vitamin B12 Deficiency:NICE Guideline Summary
BMJ 385:q1019, q1262, Sands,T.,et al, 2024

Rapidly Progressive Dementia in a Man With HIV Infection and Undetectable Plasma Viral Load
Neurol 100:344-348, Chishimba,L.C.,et al, 2023

Cognitive and Clinical Characteristics of Patients with Limbic-Predominant Age-Related TDP-43 Encephalopathy
Neurol 100:e2027-e2035, Pagnotti,R.M.B.,et al, 2023

A 17-Year-Old Girl with Progressive Cognitive Impairment
Neurol 101:e1466-e1472, Zhao,B.,et al, 2023

A 77-Year-Old Man with Involuntary Movements, Sleep Changes, Falls, Bulbar Symptoms, and Cognitive Complaints
Neurol 99:26-30, Cao, T.Q.,et al, 2022

Rapidly Progressive Thalamic Dementia
Neurol 96:e809-e813, Rizzo, A.C.,et al, 2021

A Triad of Tremor, Ataxia, and Cognitive Impairment
Neurol 96:e1802-e1803, Au, L.W.C.,et al, 2021

Clinicopathologic Conference, Normal Pressure Hydrocephalus
NEJM 384:1350-1358, Case 10-2021, 2021

Clinicopathologic Conference, Cerebral Amyloid Angiopatny-Related Inflammation
NEJM 385:358-368, Case 22-2021, 2021

A Rare Presentation of Whipple Disease
Neurol 94:e758-e761, Koek, A.T.,et al, 2020

Homonymous Hemianopia with Normal Magnetic Resonance Imaging
JAMA Ophthalmol doi:10.1001/JAMAOphthalmol.2020.0447, Cai, S.,et al, 2020

A 45-Year-Old Man with Progressive Insomia and Psychiatric and Motor Symptoms
Neurol 94:e1213-e1218, Lima, J.E.E.,et al, 2020

A 72-year-old Man with a Progressive Cognitive and Cerebellar Syndrome
Neurol 95:e2707-e2710, Lad, M. & Griffiths, T.D., 2020

Clinicopathologic conference, Frontotemporal Lobar Degeneration with tau-positive inclusions consistent with Picks disease
NEJM 383:2666-2675, Case 41-2020, 2020

A 47-year-old Man with Diffuse White Matter Disease and Rapidly Progressive Dementia
Neurol 92:e2832-e2837, Di Luca, D.G.,et al, 2019

A 68-year-old Man with Rapid Cognitive Decline
Neurol 93:315-318, Berth, S.H.,et al, 2019

Clinicopathologic Conference, Creutzfeldt-Jakob Disease
NEJM 381:1569-1578, Case 32-2019, 2019

Antibody-Mediated Encephalitis
NEJM 378:840-851, Dalmau, J.,et al, 2018

Toxidrome Recognition in Chemical - Weapons Attacks
NEJM 378:1611-1620, Ciottone, G.R., 2018

Characteristics in Limbic Encephalitis with Anti-Adenylate Kinase 5 Autoantibodies
Neurol 88:514-524,508, Do, L. & Chanson, E., 2017

Personality Changes, Executive Dysfunction, and Motor and Memory Impairment
JAMA Neurol 74:245-246, Lopez Chiriboga, A.S.,et al, 2017

A 54-year-old woman with Dementia, Myoclonus, and Ataxia
Neurol 89:e7-e12, Ali, F.,et al, 2017

Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis
NEJM 377:162-172, Brown, R.H.,et al, 2017

A Case of Ataxia, Seizure, and Choreoathetosis in a 34-year-old Woman
Neurol 89:e220-e223, Xiao, F. & Wang, X.F., 2017

Paraneoplastic and Autoimmune Encephalitis
UptoDate July, Dalmau, J.,et al, 2017

Huntington Disease: Clinical Features and Diagnosis
UptoDate Dec 2017, Oksana Suchowersky, 2017

A 71-year-old Man with Rapidly Progressive Dementia
Neurol 86:e89-e92, Niemann, N.,et al, 2016

Atypical Presentations of Intracranial Hypotension: Comparison with Classic Spontaneous Intracranial Hypotension
AJNR 37:1256-1261, Capizzano, A.A.,et al, 2016

Cortical Superficial Siderosis
Neurol 87:1110-1117, Shams, S.,et al, 2016

A 40-year old Woman with Difficulty Going Down Stairs in High-Heeled Shoes
Ann Neurol 77:1-7, Scripko, P.,et al, 2015

A 64-year-old Woman with Subacute Encephalopathy
Neurol 85:e64-e65, Bhai, S.,et al, 2015

A 56-year-old Man with Cognitive Impairment and Difficulty Tying his Necktie
Neurol 85:e116-e122, Baker, J.M.,et al, 2015

A 72-year-old Man with Rapid Cognitive Decline and Unilateral Muscle Jerks
Neurol 82:e194-e197, Duncan, M.,et al, 2014

Disturbances of Cerebrospinal Fluid, Including Hydrocephalus, Pseudotumor Cerebri, and Low-Pressure Syndromes, Normal Pressure Hydrocephalus
Adams & Victors Principles of Neurology, Chp 30, pg 624, Ropper, A.H.,et al, 2014

Infections of the Nervous System, (Bacterial, Fungal, Spirochetal, Parasitic) and Sarcoidosis, Whipple Disease
Adams & Victors Principles of Neurology, Chp 32, pg 710, Ropper, A.H.,et al, 2014

Degenerative Diseases of the Nervous System, Alzheimer Disease
Adams & Victors Principles of Neurology, Chp 39, pg 1063, Ropper, A.H.,et al, 2014

Degenerative Diseases of the Nervous System, Parkinson Disease
Adams & Victors Principles of Neurology, Chp 39, pg 1082, Ropper, A.H.,et al, 2014

An Expanded Role for Neuroimaging in the Evaluation of Memory Impairment
AJNR 34:2075-2082, Desikan, R.S.,et al, 2013

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