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Filter Applied: Parkinson disease,driving with (Click to remove)

Effect of Subthalamic Nucleus Deep Brain Stimulation on Driving in Parkinson Disease
Neurol 82:32-40, Buhmann, C.,et al, 2014

Road Safety in Drivers With Parkinson Disease
Neurol 73:2112-2119, Uc,E.,et al, 2009

Parkinsons Disease and Driving Ability
JNNP 78:363-366, Singh,R.,et al, 2007

Predictors of Fitness to Drive in People With Parkinson Disease
Neurol 69:1434-1441, Devos,H.,et al, 2007

Impaired Visual Search in Drivers with Parkinsons Disease
Ann Neurol 60:407-413,387, Uc,E.Y.,et al, 2006

Quantatative Assessment of Driving Performance in Parkinson's Disease
JNNP 76:176-180, 159, Wood, J.M., et al, 2005

Excessive Daytime Sleepiness and Sudden-Onset Sleep in Parkinson Disease
JAMA 287:455-463,509, Hobson,D.E.,et al, 2002

Driving Safety in Parkinson's Disease
Neurol 59:1787-1788, Zesiewicz,T.A.,et al, 2002

Falling Asleep at the Wheel:Motor Vehicle Mishaps in Persons Taking Pramipexole and Ropinirole
Neurol 52:1908-1910, Frucht,S.,et al, 1999

Decreased Driving Ability in People with Parkinson's Disease
JNNP 64:325-330, Heikkila,V-M.,et al, 1998

Driving in Parkinson's Disease
Neurol 41:517-520, Dubinsky,R.M.,et al, 1991

Parkinson's Disease and Driving Ability
JNNP 53:580-582, Madeley,P.,et al, 1990

Driving and Parkinson's Disease
Editorial, Lancet 336:7811990., , 1990

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