Neurology Specific Literature Search   

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adverse drug reaction
amnesia, concussion
amnesia, head injury causing
arteriovenous malformation
arteriovenous malformation, cerebral
ataxic gait
axonal injury
axonal shear injury
blast injury
bone marrow transplantation
brain biopsy
brain purpura
brainstem, lesion of
candida albicans
carotid artery disease
carotid artery injury
CAT scan
CAT scan, abnormal
CAT scan, false negative
CAT scan, hyperattenuation
central nervous system, infection of
cerebral infarction
cerebral ischemia
cerebral vasculature, calcification
cerebral venous thrombosis
cerebrovascular accident
cerebrovascular accident, posttraumatic
cerebrovascular disease
chemotherapy, CNS treatment and complications with
contusion, cerebral
corpus callosum
corpus callosum, infarction of
corpus callosum, lesion of
corpus callosum, neoplasm of
cranial nerve palsies
demyelinating disease
diffuse axonal injury
disseminated intravascular coagulation(DIC)
drug abuse
drug abuse, toxic screen In
dural sinus thrombosis
epidemiology of neurology
football neurologic injuries
fungal infection, CNS
gammaglobulin therapy, intravenous
genu of corpus callosum
Glasgow coma score
glioblastoma multiforme(astrocytoma Gr.III)
golfing injuries
Guillain Barre syndrome
head injury
head injury, brain stem lesion after
head injury, cerebral hemisphere lesion after
head injury, cranial nerves involved in
head injury, management of
head injury, mild
head injury, pathophysiology of
head injury, prevention
head injury, prognosis in
headache, post traumatic
hearing loss
hematoma, intracerebral
horse-riding injuries
iatrogenic neurologic disorders
immunosuppressive agents
infantile spasm
intracerebral hemorrhage
intracranial hemorrhage
intracranial pressure, increased
intrathecal chemotherapy
leukemia, neurologic findings assoc.with
leukemia, prophylactic treatment of CNS
level of consciousness
level of consciousness, decreased
lipoma of CNS
lymphoma involving CNS
lymphoma, primary of CNS
malformation, vascular, cerebral
Marchiafava-Bignami disease
meningeal enhancement
meningitis, bacterial
meningitis, basilar
meningitis, leukemic
mental status, abnormal
microangiopathy, brain
mountain climbing
MRI pattern
MRI, abnormal
MRI, CAT scan compared to
MRI, contrast enhanced
MRI, curvilinear peppering enhancement
MRI, demyelinating disease
MRI, diffusion tensor
MRI, diffusion weighted
MRI, functional
MRI, gradient-echo
MRI, head injury
MRI, nodular enhancement
multiple sclerosis
neoplasm, primary of CNS
neurologic examination
opportunistic infection
opportunistic infection, CNS
perivascular inflammation
post concussive syndrome
post concussive syndrome, persistent
prevention of neurologic disorders
progressive multifocal leucoencephalopathy
psychological testing
radiation therapy, CNS treatment and complications with
review article
second impact syndrome
shunt procedure, ventricular
shunt procedure, ventricular-complications of
skull fracture
spinal cord, compression of
spinal cord, lesion of
splenium of corpus callosum
sports medicine, neurology of
steroid therapy, CNS treatment and complications with
superior sagittal sinus thrombosis
supratentorial lymphocytic inflam parenchy perivasc enhanc responsive to steroids
temporal lobe, lesion
temporal lobe, lesion, bilateral
treatment of neurologic disorder
urine test in toxic screen
vasospasm, cerebral
vertigo, post-traumatic
white matter disease
Showing articles 450 to 500 of 10691 << Previous Next >>

Intravenous Thrombolysis in Patients with Ischemic Stroke and Recent Ingestion of Direct Oral Anticoagulants
JAMA Neurol 80:233-243, 231, Meinel,T.R.,et al, 2023

Severe Cervicodynia in a Patient With Pustules on the Palms
JAMA Neurol 80:323-324, Zia,C. & Lv,Y., 2023

Improved Prospects for Thrombectomy in Large Ischemic Stroke
NEJM 388:1326-1328,1259,1272, Fayad,P., 2023

A Managed Care System with Telemedicine Support for Neurological Emergencies
Ann Neurol 93:511-512, Erdur,H.,et al, 2023

Cerebral Cortical Encephalitis in Myelin Oligodendrocyte Glycoprotein Antibody-Associated Disease
Ann Neurol 93:297-302, Valencia-Sanchez,C., et al, 2023

Clinicopathologic Conference, Hypocalcemic Myopathy Due to Hypoparathyroidism
NEJM 388:1513-1520, Case 12-2023, 2023

Pharmaceutical Interventions for Emotionalism After Stroke
Stroke 54:e213-e214, Hackett,M.L.,et al, 2023

Iatrogenic Cerebral Amyloid Angiopaty Post Neurosurgery:Frequency, Clinical Profile, Radiological Features, and Outcome
Stroke 54:1214-1223, 1224, Kaushik,K.,et al, 2023

A 25-Year-Old Woman With Eye Swelling and HEadache
Neurol 100:879-883, Hehir,A.,et al, 2023

Lead Poisoning
NEJM 388:e63, Dhar,S. & Garg,D., 2023

Neonatal Seizures
NEJM 388:1692-1700, Ropper.A.H., 2023

Extrapulmonary Manifestations of Sarcoidosis
Rheum Dis Clin North Am 39:277-297, Rao,D.A. & Dellaripa,P.F., 2023

To Use Perfusion Imaging or Not in Patient Selection for Late Window Endovascular Thrombectomy?
Neurol 100:1039-1040, Katsanos,A.H.,et al, 2023

Tirofiban for Stroke without Large or Medium-Sized Vessel Occlusion
NEJM 388:2025-2095, Zi,W.,et al, 2023

Brain Abscess and Stroke in Children and Adults with Hereditary Hemorrhagic Telangiectasia
Neurol 100:e2324-e2330, White,A.J.,et al, 2023

Progressive Hemiparesis and White Matter Abnormalities in an HIV-Negative Patient
Neurol 100:1156-1163, Jabbari,E.,et al, 2023

Characteristics of Progressive Multifocal Leukoencephalopathy Associated with Sarcoidosis without Therapeutic Immune Suppression
JAMA Neurol 80:624-633, McEntire,C.R.S.,et al, 2023

Stroke in Patients with Bacterial Meningitis:A Cohort Study and Meta-Analysis
Ann Neurol 93:1094-1105, Beuker,C.,et al, 2023

Cavernous Sinus Thrombosis
StatPearls PMID:28846357, Plewa,M.C.,et al, 2023

Risk of Stroke, Death, and Myocardial Infarction Following Transcarotid Artery Revascularization vs Carotid Endarterectomy in Patients with Standard Surgical Risk
JAMA Neurol 80:437-444,435, Liang,P.,et al, 2023

Adult Patient Presenting with Spine Pain Following a Motor Vehicle Accident
Neurol 100:1025-1031, Sharma,V. & Soto,O, 2023

Primary Diffuse Leptomeningeal Melanocytosis, A Diagnoatic Conundrum
Neurol 101:e576-3580, Selvarajan,J.M.P.,et al, 2023

Clinical Features and Diagnosis of Intramedullary Spinal Cord Abscess in Adults, A Systematic Review
Neurol 101:e836-e844, Harrold,G.K.,et al, 2023

Idiopathic Orbital Inflammation and Tolosa-Hunt Syndrome with Intracranial Extension
Neurol 101:371-374, Yu,S. & Chen,T., 2023

Perioperative Acute Ischemic Stroke in Patients with Atrial Fibrillation
Ann Neurol 94:321-329, Shu, al, 2023

Wernekinck Commissure Syndrome
Radiopaedia, Aug, Deng,F.,et al, 2023

Opioid-Associated Amnestic Syndrome Progressing to Diffuse Leukoencephalopathy
Neurohospitalist 13:109-110, Meng,D., & Randhawa,J., 2023

Early Detection of Underlying Cavernomas in Patients with Spontaneous Acute Intracerebral Hematomas
AJNR 44:807-813, Bani-Sadr,A.,et al, 2023

Endovascular Therapy Versus Medical Treatment for Symptomatic Intracranial Artery Stenosis
Stroke 54:e305-e306, Luo,J.,et al, 2023

Tersons Syndrome
NEJM 388:e79, Sherman,S.V., 2023

Convexal Subarachnoic Hemorrhage Caused by Acute Middle Cerebral Artery Occlusion
Stroke 54:e299-e300, Beitzke,M.,et al, 2023

Prevalence of Venous Infarction in Patients with Cerebral Venous Thrombosis:Baseline Diffusion-Weighted MRI and Follow-Up MRI
Stroke 54:1808-1814, Alajmi.E.,et al, 2023

Snake-Fang Sign on Carotid Ultrasonography:A Source of Free-Floating Thrombus and Embolic Stroke
Stroke 54:e296-e298, Vera-Caceres,C.,et al, 2023

Antiplatelet Therapy or Not for Asymptomatic/Incidental Lacunar Infarction
Stroke 54:1954-1959, Bilski.A.,et al, 2023

Reversible Splenial Lesion Syndrome in a 43-Year-Old Man with Intraceebral Hemorrhage
Neurol 101:e101-e102, Yang,T.,et al, 2023

Lecanemab in Early Alzheimers Disease
NEJM 388:9-21,80, van Dyck,A.H.,et al, 2023

Clinicopath Conf, Chronic Salicylate Toxicity
NEJM 388:264-272, Case Record 2, 2023

Postpartum Posterior Reversible Encephalopathy Syndrome Secondary to Preeclampsia and Cerebrospinal Fluid Leakage:A Case Report and Literature Review
World J Clin Cases 10:10332-10338, Wang,Y. & Zhang, Q., 2022

Updates on Sturge-Weber Syndrome
Stroke 53:3769-3779, Yeom,S.E.&Comi,A.M., 2022

An Unusual Cause of Stroke
BMJ 379:e066326, Day,J.&Lashley,D., 2022

A 36-Year-Old Man With Asymmetric Muscle Weakness
Neurol 99"1057-1061, Harada,Y.,et al, 2022

Major Neurological Deficit Following Neck Hyperextension During Dental Treatment
Neurologist 6:361-363, El-Hajj, V.G.,et al, 2022

Posterior Circulation Alberta Stroke Program Early Computed Tomography Score (pc-ASPECT) for the Evaluation of Cerebellar Infarcts
Neurologist 6:304-308, Altiparmak, T.,et al, 2022

Association of Atrial Septal Aneurysm and Shunt Size with Stroke Recurrence and Benefit From Patent Foramen Ovale Closure
JAMA Neurol 79:1175-1179, Mas,J-L.,et al, 2022

Spinal Muscular Atrophy
UpToDate, Oct, Bodamer,O.A., 2022

A 23-Year-Old Woman Presenting with Cognitive Impairment and Gait Disturbance
Neurol 99:997-1003, Chaity,D.K.,et al, 2022

Spontaneous Intracerebral Hemorrhage
NEJM 387:1589-1596, Sheth, K.N., 2022

A 32-Year-Old Woman with Tunnel Vision and Back Pain
Neurol 99:800-804, Primiani, C.T.,et al, 2022

Clinical and Structural Findings in Patients with Lesion-Induced Dystonia
Neurol 99:e1957-e1967, Corp, D.T.,et al, 2022

Clinicopathologic Conference, Encephalitis due to Behcets Disease
NEJM 387:925-933, Case 27-2022, 2022

Showing articles 450 to 500 of 10691 << Previous Next >>