Neurology Specific Literature Search   

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acute disseminated encephalomyelitis
axonal degeneration
Barkhof MR criteria for MS
brain atrophy
brain volume
brainstem, lesion of
cerebrospinal fluid
cerebrospinal fluid, abnormal
cerebrospinal fluid, oligoclonal bands, absent
cerebrospinal fluid, oligoclonal IgG in
cervical spine
controversies in neurology
conversion reaction
cop 1
diagnostic criteria
differential diagnosis
disability, neurological
hydrocephalus, exvacuo
interferon beta 1-a
McDonald criteria for MS
MRI, abnormal
MRI, contrast enhanced
MRI, demyelinating disease
MRI, protocol
MRI, serial
MRI, spinal cord
MRI, volumetry
multiple sclerosis
multiple sclerosis, asymptomatic
multiple sclerosis, children
multiple sclerosis, clinically isolated syndrome
multiple sclerosis, conversion to clinically definite
multiple sclerosis, diagnosis of
multiple sclerosis, diagnostic criteria
multiple sclerosis, differential diagnosis of
multiple sclerosis, disability status scale
multiple sclerosis, misdiagnosis
multiple sclerosis, monosymptomatic
multiple sclerosis, MRI conversion
multiple sclerosis, MRI criteria
multiple sclerosis, preclinical
multiple sclerosis, prognosis
multiple sclerosis, radiologically isolated syndrome
multiple sclerosis, treatment of
multiple sclerosis, treatment of, first attack
multiple sclerosis, without CSF bands
neurologic disease, diagnoses of
neuromyelitis optica (Devic's disease)
posterior fossa
posterior fossa, lesion of
Red flags
review article
spinal cord
spinal cord, cervical
spinal cord, lesion of
treatment of neurologic disorder
ventricular enlargement
visual evoked response
white matter disease
Showing articles 300 to 350 of 9525 << Previous Next >>

Triaging Transient Ischemic Attack and Minor Stroke Patients Using Acute Magnetic Resonance Imaging
Ann Neurol 57:848-854, Coutts,S.B.,et al, 2005

Chasing "Chasing the Dragon" with MRI: Leukoencephalopathy in Drug Abuse
Br J Radiol 78:997-1004, Bartlett,E. &Mikulis,D.J., 2005

The Ependymal "Dot-Dash" Sign: An MR Imaging Finding of Early Multiple Sclerosis
AJNR 26:2033-2036, Lisanti, C.J.,et al, 2005

Oligodendroglioma and Multiple Sclerosis. A Case Report.
Neurocirugia (Astur) 15:378-83, de la lama,A.,et al, 2004

Neurologic Manifestations in Primary Sjogren Syndrome: A Study of 82 Patients
Medicine 83:280-291, Delalande,S.,et al, 2004

Long-Term Brain Magnetic Resonance Imaging Changes After Optic Neuritis in Patients Without Clinically Definite Multiple Sclerosis
Arch Neurol 61:1538-1541, Optic Neuritis Study Group, 2004

Intravenous Immunoglobulin Treatment Following the First Demyelinating Event Suggestive of Multiple Sclerosis
Archn Neurol 61:1515-1520, Achiron,A.,et al, 2004

Treatment of Trigeminal Neuralgia Associated with Multiple Sclerosis
Neurol 63:1714-1715, Rasche,D.,et al, 2004

Susac Syndrome:Report of Four Cases and Review of the Literature
AJNR 25:382-388,351, Do,T.H.,et al, 2004

Acute Aphasia in Multiple Sclerosis, A Multicenter Study of 22 Patients
Neurol 62:974-977, Lacour,A.,et al, 2004

Clinical and MRI Outcome after Autologous Hematoipoietic Stem Cell Transplantation in MS
Neurol 62:282-284,168, Saiz,A.,et al, 2004

The MRI Appearance of Tumefactive Demyelinating Lesions
AJR 182:195-199, Given II,C.A.,et al, 2004

Oral Simvastin Treatment in Relapsing-Remitting Multiple Sclerosis
Lancet 363:1607-1608,1570, Vollmer,T.,et al, 2004

Familial Multiple Sclerosis and Other Inherited Disorders of the White Matter
The Neurologist 10:201-215, Kalman,B. &Leist,T.P., 2004

Role of Magnetic Resonance Imaging Within Diagnostic Criteria for Multiple Sclerosis
Ann Neurol 56:273-278, Miller,D.H.,et al, 2004

European Study on Intravenous Immunoglobulin in Multiple Sclerosis
Arch Neurol 61:1409-1412, Filippi,M.,et al, 2004

Potentially Reversible Autoimmune Limbic ncephalitis with Neuronal Potassium Channel Antibody
Neurol 62:1177-1182,1040, Thieben,M.J.,et al, 2004

Vasculitis of the Spinal Cord
Arch Neurol 60:1791-1794, Ropper,A.H.,et al, 2003

A Controlled Trial of Natalizumab for Relapsing Multiple Sclerosis
NEJM 348:14-23, Miller,D.H.,et al, 2003

New Diagnostic Criteria for Multiple Sclerosis
Neurol 60:27-30,6, Tintore,M.,et al, 2003

Neuroimaging and Early Diagnosis of Alzheimer Disease: A Look to the Future
Radiology 226:315-336, Petrella,J.R.,et al, 2003

Hippocampal Sclerosis Is a Progressive Disorder: A Longitudinal Volumetric MRI Study
Ann Neurol 53:413-416, Fuerst,D.,et al, 2003

Rasmussen's Encephalitis
Neurol 60:422-425, Granata,T.,et al, 2003

New T2 Lesions Enable an Earlier Diagnosis of Multiple Sclerosis in Clinically Isolated Syndromes
Ann Neurol 53:673-676, Dalton,C.M.,et al, 2003

Three Subsequent Single Doses of Gadolinum Chelate for Brain MR Imaging in Multiple Sclerosis
AJNR 24:658-662, Sardanelli,F.,et al, 2003

Spinal Cord MRI in Clinically Isolated Optic Neuritis
JNNP 74:1577-1580, Dalton,C.M.,et al, 2003

Multiple Sclerosis Presenting as Lower Motor Neuron Wasting and Weakness of the Distal Upper Extremity
Neurol 61:1303-1304, Chong,P.S.T.,et al, 2003

A Longitudinal Study of Brain Volume Changes in Normal Aging Using Serial Registered Magnetic Resonance Imaging
Arch Neurol 60:989-994, Scahill,R.I.,et al, 2003

Peripheral Third Cranial Nerve Enhancement in Multiple Sclerosis
AJNR 24:1390-1395, Bhatti,M.T.,et al, 2003

A Wallerian Degeneration Pattern in Patients at Risk for MS
Neurol 54:1155-1160, Simion,J.H.,et al, 2003

MR Features of Diseases Involving Bilateral Middle Cerebellar Peduncles
AJNR 24:1946-1954, Okamoto,K.,et al, 2003

Dirty-Appearing White Matter in Multiple Sclerosis: Volumetric MR Imaging and Magnetization Transfer Ratio Histogram Analysis
AJNR 24:1935-1940,1929, Ge,Y.,et al, 2003

Validation of Diagnositc Magnetic Resonance Imaging Criteria for Multiple Sclerosis and Response to Interferon B1a
Ann Neurol 53:718-724, Barkhof,F.,et al, 2003

Evidence for Widespread Axonal Damage at the Earliest Clinical Stage of Multiple Sclerosis
Brain 126:433-437, Filippi,M.,et al, 2003

Antimyelin Antibodies as a Predictor of Clinically Definite Multiple Sclerosis After a First Demyelinating Event
NEJM 349:139-145,107, Berger,T.,et al, 2003

Cognitive Presentation of Multiple Sclerosis: Evidence for a Cortical Variant
JNNP 74:872-877, Zarei,M.,et al, 2003

The Outcome of Neurology Outpatients with Medically Unexplained Symptoms: A Prospective Cohort Study
JNNP 74:897-900,842, Carson,A.J.,et al, 2003

High- and Low-Risk Profiles for the Development of Multiple Sclerosis Within 10 Years After Optic Neuritis
Arch Ophthalmol 121:944-949, Optic Neuritis Study Group, 2003

Autoantibodies to Glutamic Acid Decarboxylase in Downbeat Nystagmus
JNNP 74:998-999, Antonini,G.,et al, 2003

Concurrence of Multiple Sclerosis and Intracranial Glioma. Report of a Case and Review of the Literature.
Clin Neuropathol 22:304-308, Shuangshoti,S.,et al, 2003

T2 Hypointensity in the Deep Gray Matter of Patients With Multiple Sclerosis
Arch Neurol 59:62-68, Bakshi,R.,et al, 2002

Copaxone's Effect on MRI-Monitored Disease in Relapsing MS is Reproducible and Sustained
Neurol 59:1284-1286, Wolinsky,J.S.,et al, 2002

Management of Acute Optic Neuritis
Lancet 360:1953-1962, Hickman,S.J.,et al, 2002

Predictors of Hemorrhagic Transformation After Intravenous Recombinant Tissue Plasminogen Activator
Stroke 33:2047-2052, Selim,M.,et al, 2002

Lesions of the Corpus Callosum: MR Imaging and Differential Considerations in Adults and Children
AJR 179:251-257, Bourekas,E.C.,et al, 2002

Benefit of Interferon B-1a on MSFC Progression in Secondary Progressive MS
Neurol 59:679-687, Cohen,J.A.,et al, 2002

Is a "Vanishing Tumor" Always a Lymphoma?
Neurol 59:762-764, Bromberg,J.E.C.,et al, 2002

Assessment of Normal-Appearing White and Gray Matter in Patients with Primary Progressive Multiple Sclerosis
Arch Neurol 59:1406-1412, Rovaris,M.,et al, 2002

Proton MR Spectroscopy of Tumefactive Demyelinating Lesions
AJNR 23:1378-1386, Saindane,A.M.,et al, 2002

Acute Disseminated Encephalomyelitis
Neurol 59:1224-1231, Tenembaum,S.,et al, 2002

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