Traumatic Brain Injury - Football, Warfare, and Long-Term Effects
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New Aspects on Patients Affected by Dysferlin Deficient Muscular Dystrophy
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3-Methylglutaconic Aciduria Type I Redefined: A Syndrome With Late-Onset Leukoencephalopathy
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Clinical Presentation, Pathologic Features, and Diagnosis of Primary Central Nervous System Lymphoma
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Clinicopath Conference, Giant Cell Arteritis
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Diffusion MR Imaging of Hypoglycemic Encephalopathy
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Clinicopath Conf, The POEMS Syndrome, with Demyelinating Neuropathy and Solitary Pharmacytoma of Bone
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Transverse Myelitis
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Clinicopath Conf, Infantile Krabbe Disease
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Reversible Paraneoplpastic Limbic Encephalitis Associated with Antibodies to the AMPA Receptor
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Nosocomial Bacterial Meningitis
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Clinicopath Conf, Intravascular Large-B-Cell Lympoma
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Acute Limbic Encephalitis and Glutamic Acid Decarboxylase Antibodies:A Reality?
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Limbic Encephalitis Associated With Antibodies to the NMDA Receptor in Hodgkin Lymphoma
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CNS Complications of Radiotherapy and Chemotherapy
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Epilepsy, Ataxia, Sensorineural Deafness, Tubulopathy, and KCNJ10 Mutations
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Epilepsy in Children with Infantile Thiamine Deficiency
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Clinical Syndromes Associated with Posterior Atrophy: Early Age at Onset AD Spectrum
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Multifocal Paraneoplastic Cortical Encephalitis Associated With Myasthenia Gravis and Thymoma
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Alzheimers Disease
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Too Young to Talk of Vertigo?
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Carbon Monoxide Poisoning
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Prognostic Value of Brain Diffusion-Weighted Imaging After Cardiac Arrest
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