Neurology Specific Literature Search   

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autonomic dysfunction
battered child syndrome
behavioral disorder
benign sexual headache
CAT scan
CAT scan, abnormal
cauda equina
cauda equina, lesion of
cerebral cortical atrophy
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child abuse
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differential diagnosis
drug induced neurologic disorders
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electroencephalogram, abnormalities of
frontal lobe, behavior with disease of
frontal lobe, lesion of
headache, drug induced
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mental retardation
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neurologic examination
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obicularis oculi, weakness of
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review article
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self harm
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sexual behavior, disorder of
sexual dysfunction in neurologic disease
sexual intercourse
spinal cord, injury of
spinal cord, injury, functional capacity of patient with
spinal cord, injury, sexual dysfunction in
sympatholytic agent
treatment of neurologic disorder
violent behavior
Showing articles 400 to 450 of 839 << Previous Next >>

Worsening of Neurologic Syndrome in Patients with Wilson's Disease with Initial Penicillamine Therapy
Arch Neurol 44:490-493, Brewer,G.J.,et al, 1994

Oral and Genital Tardive Pain Syndromes
Neurol 44:2115-2119, Ford,B.,et al, 1994

Neuropathologic Correlated of Persistent Neurologic Deficit in Lithium Intoxication
Ann Neurol 36:928-931, Schneider,J.A.&Mirra,S.S., 1994

The Relationship of Postoperative Delirium with Psychoactive Medications
JAMA 272:1518-1522, Marcantonia,E.R.,et al, 1994

The Acquired Immunodeficiency Syndrome in Older Persons
West J Med 161:526, Rozance,C.P.&Kizer,K.W., 1994

Chronic Candidal Meningitis: An Uncommon Manifestation of Candidiasis
Clin Inf Dis 19:60-66, Voice, R.A.,et al, 1994

Epilepsy and Traffic Safety
Epilepsia 34:852-858, Hansotia,P.&Broste,S.K., 1993

Toluene Abuse Causing Reduced MR Signal Intensity in the Brain
AJR 161:1259-1261, Caldemeyer,K.S.,et al, 1993

Cabergoline in Parkinson's Disease:Long-Term Follow-up
Neurol 43:2587-2590, Lera,G.,et al, 1993

Status Epilepticus at an Urban Public Hospital in the 1980s
Neurol 43:483-488, Lowenstein,D.H.&Alldredge,B.K., 1993

Pseudotumor Cerebri Following Beta-Human Chorionic Gonadotropin Hormone Treat for Undesc Testicles
Neurol 43:448-449, Haller,J.S.,et al, 1993

Reversible Neurologic Toxicity with Fludarabine Phosphate for Mycosis Fungiodes & Chronic Lymphocytic Leukemia
Ann Int Med 118:114-116, Cohen,R.B.,et al, 1993

Acquired Ocular Visual Impairment in Children, 1960-1989
Am J Dis Child 147:325-328, Robinson,G.C.&Jan,J.E., 1993

Acute Myopathy and Neuropathy in Status Asthmaticus:Case Report and Literature Review
Muscle & Nerve 16:84-90993., Lacomis,D.,et al, 1993

Shaken Baby Syndrome:Inflicted Cerebral Trauma
Pediatrics 92:872-875, Krugman,R.D.,et al, 1993

Transient Monocular Blindness Associated with Cocaine Abuse
Neurol 43:228-229, Libman,R.B.,et al, 1993

Risk of Intracranial Hemorrhage & Adverse Outcomes-Cocaine Expose in 323 Very Low Birth Wt Infants
J Pediatr 122:438-445, Dusick,A.M.,et al, 1993

When Selegiline is Prescribed, Stelazine May be Mistakenly Dispensed
Neurol 43:228, Zweig,R.M.&Davis,P.H., 1993

Acyclovir-Induced Neurotoxicity:Concentration-Side Effect Relationship in Acyclovir Overdose
Am J Med 94:212-215, Haefeli,W.E.,et al, 1993

Acute Bacterial Meningitis in Young Adults Mistaken for Substance Abuse
BMJ 306:775-776, Baldwin,L.N.,et al, 1993

Stroke Following Injection of a Melted Suppository
Stroke 24:741-743, Bitar,S.&Gomez,C.R., 1993

Clinicopath Conf
Cerebral Vasculitis Involving Small Vessels, Consistent with Cocaine, Cerebral Hemorrhage, Case 27-1, 93, 329:117-122,1993., 1993

Stroke Associated with Ephedrine Use
Neurol 43:1313-1316, Bruno,A.,et al, 1993

Long-Term Safety of Azathioprine Therapy in Multiple Sclerosis
Neurol 43:831-833, Amato,M.P.,et al, 1993

Taste Disorders and Terbinafine
BMJ 307:26, Beutler,M.,et al, 1993

Use of Benzodiazepines in Anxiety Disorders
NEJM 328:1398-1405, Shader,R.I.&Greenblatt,D.J., 1993

Neurologist's Role in Understanding Violence
Arch Neurol 50:867-871, Pincus,J.H., 1993

Long-Term Complications of Diabetes Mellitus
NEJM 328:1676-1685, Nathan,D.M., 1993

Spinal Epidural Abscess, Optimizing Patient Care
Arch Int Med 153:1713-1721, Maslen,D.R.,et al, 1993

Coital Cerebral Hemorrhage
Neurol 43:2683-2685, Finelli,P.F., 1993

Acute Psychosis Associated with Oral Trimethoprimsulfamethoxazole Therapy
Can J Psych 38:56-58, Gregor,J.C.,et al, 1993

Myopathy in Severe Asthma
Am Rev Respir Dis 146:517-519, Douglass,J.A.,et al, 1992

Acute Quadriplegic Myopathy:A Complic of Treat with Steroids, Nondepolarizing Blocking Agents, or Both
Neurol 42:2082-2087, Hirano,M.,et al, 1992

HIV-1 Infection and IV Drug Use:Longitudinal Neuropsych Eval of Asymptomatic Subjects
Neurol 42:1924-1930, Selnes,O.A.,et al, 1992

Natural Course of Benign Coital Headache
BMJ 305:1129, Ostergaard,J.R.&Kraft,M., 1992

Ranitidine Pharmacokinetics and Adverse Central Nervous System Reactions
Arch Int Med 152:2325-2329, Slugg,P.H.,et al, 1992

Drug Induced Creutzfeldt-Jakob Like Syndrome
J Psychiatr Neurosci 17:103-105, Finelli,P.F., 1992

Head Injury in Very Young Children:Mech, Injury & Ophthal Findings in 100 Hosp Pts
Pediatrics 90:179-185, Duhaime,A.C.,et al, 1992

Spinal Cord Toxoplasma Lesion in AIDS:MR Findings
J Comput Assist Tomogr 16:817-819, Poon,T.P.,et al, 1992

Delay in P300 Latency in Patients with Organic Solvent Exposure
Arch Neurol 49:315-320, Morrow,L.A.,et al, 1992

Risk Factors for Delirium in Hospitalized Elderly
JAMA 267:827-831, Schor,J.D.,et al, 1992

'De Novo'Absence Status of Late Onset:Report of 11 Cases
Neurol 42:104-110, Thomas,P.,et al, 1992

Intracranial Tuberculosis in AIDS:CT and MRI Findings
et al Neuroradiology 34:11-14, Villoria,M.F., 1992

Toxicity and Deaths from 3, 4-Methylenedioxymethamphetamine ("ecstast")
Lancet 340:384-387, Henry,J.A.,et al, 1992

Effect of Cocaine Use On the Fetus
NEJM 327:399-407, Volpe,J.J., 1992

CNS Complications of Cocaine Abuse:Prevalence, Pathophysiology, and Neuroradiology
AJR 159:137-147, Brown,E.,et al, 1992

Concurrent Myocardial and Cerebral Infarctions after Intranasal Cocaine Use
Stroke 23:427-430, Sloan,M.A.&Mattioni,T.A., 1992

Cerebral Infarction Complicating Intravenous Immunoglobulin Therapy for Polyneuritis Cranialis
Neurol 42:257-258, Silbert,P.L.,et al, 1992

Neuroleptic-Induced Catatonia as a Stage in the Progression Toward NMS
J Am Acad Child Adolesc Psychiatry 31:1161-1164, Woodbury,M.M.&Woodbury,M.A., 1992

Soft Tissue Swelling and Acute Skull Fractures
J Pediatr 121:737-739, Kleinman,P.K.&Spevak,M.R., 1992

Showing articles 400 to 450 of 839 << Previous Next >>