Neurology Specific Literature Search   

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spinal cord, injury of
spinal cord, injury, functional capacity of patient with
spinal cord, injury, sexual dysfunction in
sympatholytic agent
treatment of neurologic disorder
violent behavior
Showing articles 700 to 750 of 839 << Previous Next >>

Cerebral Vasculitis Associated with Oral Amphetamine Overdose
Arch Neurol 40:253-254, Matick,H.,et al, 1983

Intracerebral Hemorrhage & Vasculitis Related to Ephedrine Abuse
Ann Neurol 13:337-340, Wooten,M.R.,et al, 1983

Neurologic Complications of Phenylpropanolamine Use
Neurol 33:650-652, Mueller,S.M., 1983

Tetrahydrocannabinol for Tremor in Multiple Sclerosis
Ann Neurol 13:699-671, Clifford,D.B., 1983

Parkinson's Disease in a Chemist Working with l-Methyl-4-Phenyl-1, 2, 5, 6-Tetrahydropyridine
NEJM 309:310, Langston,J.W.,et al, 1983

Permanent Neurological Deficits Due to Lithium Toxicity
Ann Neurol 13:453-455, Apte,S.N.,et al, 1983

Aseptic Meningitis as an Adverse Effect of Co-Trimoxazole
NEJM 308:1481, Kremer,I.,et al, 1983

Taste & Smell in Disease (First of Two Parts)
NEJM 308:1275-1279, Schiffman,S.S., 1983

NEJM 309:354-358, 410-4161983., Greenblatt,D.J.,et al, 1983

Visual Hallucinations as the Earliest Symptom of Digoxin Intoxication
Arch Neurol 40:386, Closson,R.G., 1983

Occult Foreign Bodies in the Spinal Canal
NEJM 308:947-949, Ehni,G., 1983

Progressive Multifocal Leukoencephalopathy in Acquired Immunodeficiency Syndrome
NEJM 309:492-493, Bedri,J.,et al, 1983

Neurologic Symptoms Associated with Parenteral Acyclovir Treatment after Marrow Transplantation
Ann Int Med 98:921-925, Wade,J.C.,et al, 1983

Familial Spastic Paraplegia, Mental Retardation, & Precocious Puberty
Arch Neurol 40:809-810, Raphaelson,M.I.,et al, 1983

Abnormal Brainstem Auditory Evoked Potentials in Chronic Paint Sniffers
Ann Neurol 12:553-556, Metrick,S.A.,et al, 1982

Leukoencephalopathy After Inhaling"Heroin"Pyrolysate
Lancet 2:1233-1237, Wolters,E.C.,et al, 1982

The Neuroleptic Malignant Syndrome
Arch Int Med 142:1183-1185, Smego,R.A.,et al, 1982

Comprehensive Management of Spinal Cord Injury, In Clinical Symposia
Ciba Co, 1982, Vol. 34, p. 2-36., Donovan,W.H.,et al, 1982

Arch Neurol 39:164-168, Kales,A.,et al, 1982

Bromocriptine Reduces Pituitary Tumor Size & Hyper-secretion
JAMA 247:311-316, Spark,R.F.,et al, 1982

Transient Global Amnesia
Arch Neurol 39:605-608, Fisher,C.M., 1982

Intracranial Hemorrhage Associated with Phencyclidine Abuse
JAMA 248:585-586, Bessen,H.A., 1982

Hemiplegia After Intracarotid Injection of Methylphenidate
Arch Neurol 39:598-599, Chillar,R.K.,et al, 1982

Central Nervous System Complications of Addiction to"T's & Blues"
Neurol 32:623-628, Caplan,L.R.,et al, 1982

Iatrogenous Cocaine Psychosis
NEJM 307:1153, Lesko,L.M.,et al, 1982

A Danger In Making The Diagnosis Of Parkinson's Disease
Lancet 1:1212-1213, Murdoch,P.S.,et al, 1982

Reversible Drug-Induced Parkinsonism
Arch Neurol 39:644-646, Rajput,A.H.,et al, 1982

Tardive Dystonia:Late-onset & Persistent Dystonia Caused by Antipsychotic Drugs
Neurol 32:1335-1346, Burke,R.E.,et al, 1982

Beta-Adrenoreceptor Antagonists & Diplopia
Lancet 2:826-827, Weber,J.C.P., 1982

Subdural Tension Pneumocephalus Following Surgery
J Comput Assist Tomogr 6:903-906, Monajati,A.,et al, 1982

Zygomycetes Brain Abscesses in Narcotic Addicts With Serological Diagnosis
Jr. , et al, JAMA 248:2881-288282., Pierce,P.F., 1982

Cerebral Mucormycosis (Phycomycosis) in a Heroin Addict
Arch Neurol 39:304-306, Masucci,E.F.,et al, 1982

Benign Coital Cephalalgia
Arch Neurol 38:710-712, Porter,M.,et al, 1981

Status Epilepticus Caused by Solvent Abuse
BMJ 283:1156, Allister,C.,et al, 1981

Reversible Hemiplegia After Presumed Intracarotid Injection Of Ritalin
NEJM 304:1305, Chillar,R.K.,et al, 1981

Cimetidine Toxic Reactions Masquerading as Delirium Tremens
JAMA 245:1058-1059, Weddington,W.W.,et al, 1981

Tolmetin-Induced Aseptic Meningitis
JAMA 245:67-68, Ruppert,G.B.,et al, 1981

Isolated CNS Sarcoidosis
JAMA 245:62-63, Cariski,A.T., 1981

Pathology of Autonomic Neuropathy in Diabetes Mellitus
Ann Int Med 92:301-303, Duchen,L.W.,et al, 1980

Sexual Function in Diabetic Patients
Ann Int Med 92:331-333, Ellenberg,M., 1980

Child Abuse as a Cause of Post-Traumatic Hypopituitarism
NEJM 302:724-728, Miller,W.L.,et al, 1980

Cerebellar Degeneration Due to Chronic Phenytoin Therapy
Ann Neurol 7:18-23, McLain,L.W.,et al, 1980

Interaction of Lithium & Phenytoin
BMJ 1:610-611, MacCallu,W.A., 1980

Postural Reflex Gelastic Seizures
Arch Neurol 37:249-251, Jacome,D.E.,et al, 1980

Plasma Cell Dyscrasia with Polyneuropathy, Organomegaly, Endocrinopathy, M Protein, & Skin Changes:The POEMS Syndrome
Medicine 59:311-322, Bardwick,P.A., 1980

Intracranial Hemorrhage with Amphetamine Abuse
Neurol 30:1125-1128, Delaney,P.,et al, 1980

Medial Medullary Syndrome in a Drug Abuser
Arch Neurol 37:425-428, Mizutani,T.,et al, 1980

Previously Unrecognized Diabetes Mellitus in Sexually Impotent Men
JAMA 244:2430-2432, Deutsch,S.,et al, 1980

Hypokalemic Periodic Paralysis in Chronic Toluene Exposure
Arch Neurol 37:673, Bennett,R.H.,et al, 1980

Dapsone-induced Optic Atrophy & Motor Neuropathy
BMJ 281:1180, Homeida,M.,et al, 1980

Showing articles 700 to 750 of 839 << Previous Next >>