Neurology Specific Literature Search   

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abscess, intracerebral
abscess, intracranial
acoustic nerve
air-bag inflation
amnesia, concussion
amnesia, head injury causing
aneurysm, cavernous sinus
aneurysm, intracranial
antibiotic prophylaxis
anticoagulant, treatment
anticoagulant, treatment in CVD
automobile accidents
bacterial infection
bacterial infection, CNS
basal ganglia, hemorrhage
basilar impression
battered child syndrome
Battle's sign
brainstem, lesion of
carotid artery occlusion, posttraumatic
CAT scan
CAT scan, abnormal
CAT scan, angiography
CAT scan, base of skull
CAT scan, head injury
CAT scan, indications for
CAT scan, venography
cavernous sinus
cavernous sinus, lesion of
cavernous sinus, metastasis to
cavernous sinus, syndrome
central nervous system, infection of
cerebral edema
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cerebrospinal fluid, leak
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cerebrovascular accident, bilateral
cerebrovascular accident, posttraumatic
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contusion, cerebral
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cyst, benign intracranial
decision analysis
dermal sinus tract
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dog bite
dural sinus thrombosis
emergencies, neurologic
endocarditis, prophylaxis
facial nerve palsy
fistula, arterio-venous, carotid-cavernous
football neurologic injuries
fungal infection, CNS
Glasgow coma score
golfing injuries
head circumference
head injury
head injury, cerebral hemisphere lesion after
head injury, cranial nerves involved in
head injury, delayed deterioration following
head injury, evaluation of
head injury, management of
head injury, mild
head injury, pediatric
head injury, prevention
head injury, prognosis in
head injury, return to hospital following
head injury, severe
headache, emergency
headache, persistent
hearing loss
hematoma, epidural-cranial
hematoma, intracerebral
hemifacial spasm
herniation syndromes, intracranial
horse-riding injuries
hyperextension injury
hypoglossal nerve
hypoglossal nerve paralysis
intracerebral hemorrhage
intracerebral hemorrhage, lobar
intracerebral hemorrhage, multiple
intracranial hemorrhage
intracranial pressure, increased
lateral sinus thrombosis
lawn dart
level of consciousness
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low back pain
macular degeneration
medical-legal aspects of neurology
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meningitis, prevention
meningitis, prophylaxis against
meningitis, recurrent
mental status, abnormal
mountain climbing
MRI, abnormal
MRI, complications with
MRI, contrast enhanced
MRI, safety
multiple myeloma
myelopathy, vacuolar
nasopharyngeal carcinoma
nausea and vomiting
neck pain
neurologic examination
neurologic signs
occipital condyle fracture
occipital lobe, infarction
optic atrophy
optic atrophy, unilateral
osteogenesis imperfecta
otitis, neurologic complications with
otorrhea, cerebrospinal fluid
Paget's disease
Paget's disease, psychosis in
Paget's disease, spinal cord problem in
pituitary, adenoma
pneumatization, cranial bones
post concussive syndrome
post traumatic vomiting
prevention of neurologic disorders
pure word deafness
retinal artery occlusion
retinal hemorrhages
review article
risk factors
root lesion, nerve
seizure, post traumatic
shunt procedure, ventricular
skull fracture
skull fracture, basal
skull fracture, growing
skull fracture, pediatric
skull x-ray
skull x-ray, abnormal
slit hemorrhage
spinal cord, compression of
spinal cord, injury of
sports medicine, neurology of
subarachnoid hemorrhage
subdural hematoma
subdural hematoma, acute
superior orbital fissure syndrome
Tolosa Hunt syndrome
tongue, atrophy
tongue, hemiatrophy of
transfalcial herniation
treatment of neurologic disorder
trigeminal neuralgia
trigeminal neuropathy
uncal herniation
vasospasm, cerebral
vertebral-basilar insufficiency
Showing articles 0 to 50 of 362 Next >>

Will Neuroimaging Reveal a Severe Intracranial Injury in this Adult with Minor Head Trauma?
JAMA 314:2672-2681,2629, Easter, J.S.,et al, 2015

Mystery Case: Hypoglossal Nerve Palsy in Occipito-Temporal Pneumatization
Neurol 79:e109-e110, Renard, D.,et al, 2012

Lateral Sinus Thrombosis: Complication of Minor Head Injury
Int J Pediatr Otorhinolaryngol 73:629-635, Nehme, J.,et al, 2009

Basilar Skull Fracture: A Risk Factor for Transverse/Sigmoid Venous Sinus Obstruction
J Neurotrauma 25:104-111, Zhao, X.,et al, 2008

The Canadian CT Head Rule for Patients with Minor Head Injury
Lancet 357:1391-1396, Stiell,I.G.,et al, 2001

Preventable Deaths and Injuries during Magnetic Resonance Imaging
NEJM 345:1000-1001, Landrigan,C., 2001

Value of Radiological Diagnosis of Skull Fracture in the Management of Mild Head Injury: Meta-Analysis
JNNP 68:416-422,403, Hofman,P.A.M.,et al, 2000

Significance of Vomiting After Head Injury
JNNP 66:470-473, Nee,P.A.,et al, 1999

Air Bag-Related Deaths and Serious Injuries in Children:Injury Patterns and Imaging Findings
AJNR 19:1599-1607,1591, Marshall,K.W.,et al, 1998

A Population-Based Study of Seizures after Traumatic Brain Injuries
NEJM 338:20-24, Annegers,J.F.,et al, 1998

Predictive Value of Skull Radiography for Intracranial Injury in Children with Blunt Head Injury
Lancet 349:821-824, Lloyd,D.A.,et al, 1997

Cavernous Sinus Syndrome
Arch Neurol 53:967-971, Keane,J.R., 1996

Patients Who Reattend After Head Injury:A High Risk Group
BMJ 311:1395-1398, Voss,M.,et al, 1995

Head Injury in Sport
BMJ 308:1620-1624, McLatchie,G.&Jennett,B., 1994

Antimicrobial Prophylaxis in Neurosurgery and After Head Injury
Lancet 344:1547-1551, deLouvois,J.,et al, 1994

Extradural Haematoma in a Child After an Apparently Mild Head Injury
BMJ 306:1665-1666, Nee,P.A.,et al, 1993

Communicating Hydrocephalus, Basilar Invagination, and Other Neurologic Features in Osteogenesis Imperfecta
Neurol 43:2603-2608, Charnas,L.R.&Marini,J.C., 1993

Soft Tissue Swelling and Acute Skull Fractures
J Pediatr 121:737-739, Kleinman,P.K.&Spevak,M.R., 1992

Horseback Riding and Head Injuries
Committee on Sports Medicine and Fitness, Pediatrics 89:5121992., , 1992

Fracture of the Occipital Condyle:Case Report
Spine 17:1119-1121, Bozboga,M.,et al, 1992

Golf Related Head Injuries in Children
BMJ 302:1505-1506, Smith,R.A.,et al, 1991

Risks of Acute Traumatic Intracranial Haematoma in Children and Adults
BMJ 300:363-367, Teasdale,G.M.,et al, 1990

Posttraumatic Cerebral Infarction Diagnosed by CT:Prevalence, Origin, and Outcome
AJR 154:1293-1298, Mirvis,S.E.,et al, 1990

Isolated Complete Post-Traumatic Trigeminal Neuropathy
Neurol 40:1634, Schecter,A.D.&Anziska,B., 1990

Short-Term Outcomes of Skull Fracture:A Population-Based Study of Survival and Neurologic Complications
Neurol 39:96-102, Wiederholt,W.C.,et al, 1989

Intracranial Injury after Moderate Head Trauma in Children
J Pediatr 115:346-350, Rosenthal,B.W.&Bergman,I., 1989

Late Hypoglossal Nerve Palsy Following Fracture of Occipital Condyle
Surg Neurol 31:402-404, Orbay,T.,et al, 1989

Clinical Indicators of Intracranial Lesion on Computed Tomographic Scan in Children with Parietal Skull Fracture
Am J Dis Child 143:194-196, Bonadio,W.A.,et al, 1989

Cavernous Sinus Air in a Patient with Basilar Skull Fracture:CT Identification
J Comput Assist Tomogr 12:141-142, Bartynski,W.S.&Wang,A.M., 1988

Serious Head Injuries from Lawn Darts
Pediatrics 79:261-263, Tay,J.S.&Garland,J.S., 1987

Skull X-Ray Examinations After Head Trauma
NEJM 316:84-91, Masters,S.J.,et al, 1987

Intraparenchymal Hemorrhages
In Neurosurgery, Wilkins RH and Regachary SS, McGraw Hill Book Co, New York 155285., McCormick,W.F., 1985

Patient Selection for Skull Radiography in Uncomplicated Head Injury
Lancet 1:115-118, , 1983

Craniocerebral Injuries from Dog Bites
JAMA 249:2685-2688, Wilberger,J.E.,et al, 1983

Risks of Intracranial Haematoma in Head Injured Adults
BMJ 287:1173-1176, Mendelow,A.D.,et al, 1983

Admission after Mild Head Injury:Benefits & Costs
BMJ 285:1530-1532, Mendelow,A.D.,et al, 1982

Skull X-rays
Lancet 2:1350, Galbraith,S.,et al, 1981

Meningitis, In Clinical Neurology
Harper & Row Publishers, 1981, p. 1-55., Sahs,A.L.,et al, 1981

Serious Head Injury in Sport
BMJ 281:789-791, Lindsay,K.W.,et al, 1980

High-Yield Referral Criteria for Posttraumatic Skull Roentgenography
JAMA 244:673-676, Cummins,R.O.,et al, 1980

Neurologic Disturbances in Pagets Disease of Bone:Response to Calcitonin
Neurol 29:448-457, Chen,J.R.,et al, 1979

Facial, Auditory, & Vestib Nerve Injuries Assoc with Basilar Skull Fractures, in Neurological Surgery
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Enlargement of Skull Fracture in Childhood Due to Cerebral Herniation
Arch Neurol 26:137, Stein,B.,et al, 1972

Word-Category Aphasia
Neurol 22:431, Yamadori,A.,et al, 1972

Answers to Questions on Head Injuries
Hosp Med p. 54, January969., McLaurin,R., 1969

A 24-Year-Old Man with Gait Impairment, Hearing Loss, and Recurrent Fever
Neurol 102:e209358, Barbosa,A.R.,et al, 2024

Clinicopathologic Conference, Nutritional Optic Neuropathy Due to Multiple Nutritional Deficits, Including Vitamin A, Copper, and Zinc Deficiencies
NEJM 391:641-650, Gaier,E.D.,et al, 2024

Occipital Condyle Syndrome
Neurol 103:e210067, Mirian,A.,et al, 2024

Wrist Drop After a Fall Onto the Shoulder
BMJ 380:e070708, Ali,M.A. & Freilich,S., 2023

Showing articles 0 to 50 of 362 Next >>