Neurology Specific Literature Search   

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amaurosis fugax
blindness, sudden
blindness, transient
carotid artery disease
carotid artery stenosis
cerebral cortex
cerebral ischemia
cerebrovascular accident
cortical blindness
cortical blindness, transient
denial of blindness(Antons syndrome)
diabetes mellitus
electrocardiogram, abnormal
electroencephalogram, abnormalities of
head injury
headache, bifrontal
headache, postictal
hemianopia, homonymous
hyperglycemia, neurologic dysfunction associated with
hyperglycemia, nonketotic
hyperglycemic hemianopia
migraine, visual symptoms in
MRI, abnormal
MRI, contrast enhanced
MRI, cortical enhancement
MRI, gray matter enhancement
MRI, hypointense signal foci on
nausea and vomiting
ophthalmic migraine
optic neuritis
postictal neurologic deficits
seizure, hyperglycemia causing
seizure, occipital lobe
seizure, visual loss with
slide collection
status epilepticus
visual field defect
visual loss
visual loss, episodic
visual loss, sudden
visual loss, transient
visual obscurations, transient
white matter disease, subcortical
Showing articles 200 to 250 of 3441 << Previous Next >>

Electroencephalographic Findings in Hashimoto's Encephalopathy
Neurol 45:977-981, Henchey,R.,et al, 1995

AIDS-Associated Progressive Multifocal Leukoencephalopathy Revealed by New-Onset Seizures
Am J Med 99:64-68, Moulignier,A.,et al, 1995

Human Herpesvirus-6 Infection in Children with First Febrile Seizures
J Pediatr 127:95-97, Barone,S.R.,et al, 1995

Status Epilepticus Induced by Felbatol Withdrawal
Neurol 45:1021-1022, DeGiorgio,C.M.,et al, 1995

Effect on Acetaminophen and of Low Intermittent Doses of Diazepam on Prevention of Recurrences of Febrile Seizures
J Pediatr 126:991-995, 9291995., Uhari,M.,et al, 1995

Safety of Intravenous Valproate
Ann Neurol 38:670-674, Devinsky,O.,et al, 1995

Cat-Scratch Encephalopathy:A Cause of Status Epilepticus and Coma in a Healthy Young Adult
Neurol 45:196, Hadley,S.,et al, 1995

The Hippocampus in Status Epilept:Signal Intensity & Morph Changes with Sequent Fast Spin-Echo MR Imaging
Radiology 194:249-256, Tien,R.D.&Felsberg,G.J., 1995

Permanent Hemiparesis Due to Partial Status Epilepticus
Neurol 45:187-188, Borchert,L.D.&Labar,D.R., 1995

Psychiatric Classification of Nonconversion Nonepileptic Seizures
Arch Neurol 52:199-201, Alper,K.,et al, 1995

Plantar Responses after Epileptic Seizures
Neurol 44:2191-2193, Walczak,T.S.&Rubinsky,M., 1994

Treatment of Refractory Generalized Status Epilepticus with Continuous Infusion of Midazolam
Neurol 44:1837-1840, Parent,J.M.&Lowenstein,D.H., 1994

Ceftazidime-Related Nonconvulsive Status Epilepticus
Arch Int Med 154:586-589, Klion,A.D.,et al, 1994

Neurologic Manifestations of Cocaine Exposure in Childhood
Pediatrics 93:557-560, Mott,S.H.,et al, 1994

Human Herpesvirus-6 Infection in Children:A Prospective Study of Complications and Reactivation
NEJM 331:432-438, Hall,C.B.,et al, 1994

Baclofen-induced Generalized Nonconvulsive Status Epilepticus
Ann Neurol 36:113-114, Zak,R.,et al, 1994

Risk Factors for Seizure Recurrence in Children with Febrile Seizures:Analysis of Pt Data from Five Studies
J Pediatr 124:574-584, Offringa,M.,et al, 1994

High-Dose Intravenous Lorazepam for the Treatment of Refractory Status Epilepticus
Neurol 44:1400-1403, Labar,D.R.,et al, 1994

Seizure Exacerbation and Status Epilepticus Related to Carbamazepine-10, 11-Epoxide
Ann Neurol 35:743-746, So,E.L.,et al, 1994

Complex Partial Status Epilepticus:A Recurrent Problem
JNNP 57:835-837, Cockerell,O.C.,et al, 1994

Termination of Nutrition and Hydration in a Child with Vegetative State
Arch Pediatr Adolesc Med 148:87-92, Leicher,C.R.&DiMario,F.J., 1994

Status Epilepticus and Antiepileptic Medication Levels
Neurol 44:47-50, Barry,E.&Hauser,W.A., 1994

Predictive Value of Induction of Psychogenic Seizures by Suggestion
Ann Neurol 35:359-361, Lancman,M.E.,et al, 1994

Utility and Reliability of Placebo Infusion in the Evaluation of Patients with Seizures
neurol 44:394-399, Walczak,T.S.,et al, 1994

Interferon-Associated Refractory Status Epilepticus
pediatrics 93:511-512, Miller,V.S.,et al, 1994

Prognostic Value of Myoclonus Status in Comatose Survivors or Cardiac Arrest
Ann Neurol 35:239-243, Wijdicks,E.F.M.,et al, 1994

Pleocystosis After Status Epilepticus
Arch Neurol 51:190-193, Barry,E.&Hauser,W.A., 1994

Status Epilepticus Following Iohexol Myelography
Neuroradiology 35:322-323, Tahta,K.,et al, 1993

A Controlled Trial of Diazepam Administered During Febrile Illnesses to Prevent Recurrence of Febrile Seizures
NEJM 329:79-84, Rosman,N.P.,et al, 1993

Early Childhood Prolonged Febrile Convulsions, Atrophy & Sclerosis of Mesial Struc & Temporal Lobe Epilepsy:An MRI Study
Neurol 43:1083-1087, Cendes,F.,et al, 1993

Status Epilepticus:The Interaction of Epilepsy and Acute Brain Disease
Neurol 43:1473-1478, Barry,E.&Hauser,W.A., 1993

Prognostic Factors of Pentobarbital Therapy for Refractory Generalized Status Epilepticus
Neurol 43:895-900, Yaffe,K.&Lowenstein,D.H., 1993

Outcome of Childhood Status Epilepticus and Lengthy Febrile Convulsions:Findings of National Cohort Study
BMJ 307:225-228, Verity,C.M.,et al, 1993

Serum Cortisol and Cerebrospinal Fluid B-Endorphins in Status Epilepticus:Their Possible Relation to Prognosis
Arch Neurol 50:689-693, Calabrese,V.P.,et al, 1993

Life Threatening Focal Status Epilepticus Due to occult Cortical Dysplasia
Arch Neurol 50:695-700, Desbiens,R.,et al, 1993

Treatment of Convulsive Status Epilepticus
Recommendations of the Epilepsy Foundation of America's Working Group on Status Epilepticus, JAMA 27, :54-859,1993., 1993

Ciprofloxacin-Induced Complex Partial Status Epilepticus Manifesting as an Acute Confusional State
Neurol 43:1619-1621, Isaacson,S.H.,et al, 1993

Nonepileptic Seizures During Apparent Sleep
Ann Neurol 33:414-418, Thacker,K.,et al, 1993

New-Onset Seizures in Critically Ill Patients
Neurol 43:1042-1044, Wijdicks,E.F.M.&Sharbrough,F.W., 1993

Which Child Will Have a Febrile Seizure?
Am J Dis Child 147:35-39, 141993., Bethune,P.,et al, 1993

Tonic Clonic Status Epilepticus
JNNP 56:125-134, Shorvon,S., 1993

Status Epilepticus at an Urban Public Hospital in the 1980s
Neurol 43:483-488, Lowenstein,D.H.&Alldredge,B.K., 1993

Rasmussen's Chronic Encephalitis in Adults
Arch Neurol 50:269-274, McLachlan,R.S.,et al, 1993

Nonepileptic Seizures and Childhood Sexual and Physical Abuse
Neurol 43:1950-1953, Alper,K.,et al, 1993

Weeping as a Common Element of Pseudoseizures
Arch Neurol 50:1059-1060, Bergen,D.&Ristanovic,R., 1993

Complex Partial Status Epilepticus in a Patient with Dural Metastases
Neurol 43:2389-2392, Steg,R.E.,et al, 1993

Acute Behaviour Disturbances
JNNP 56:1149-1156, Lloyd,G.G., 1993

Characvteristics of Medial Temporal Lobe Epilepsy:I. Results of History and Physical Examination
Ann neurol 34:774-780, French,J.A.,et al, 1993

Charact of Medial Temporal Lobe Epilepsy:Interictal & Ictal EEG, Neuropsych Test, Imaging, Surg Results & Path
Ann Neurol 34:781-787, Williamson,P.D.,et al, 1993

Diazepam to Prevent Febrile Seizures
Letter, NEJM 329:2033-20351993., , 1993

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