Neurology Specific Literature Search   

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Addison's disease
adrenoleukodystrophy, adult onset
adrenoleukodystrophy, carrier
adverse drug reaction
affect, inappropriate
akinetic mute
Alexanders disease
attention deficit disorder with hyperactivity
auditory evoked brainstem potentials
Balint's syndrome
Bassen-Kornzweig syndrome
behavioral disorder
Binswanger disease
bone marrow transplantation
brain biopsy
brain scan, abnormal
calcification, intracranial
Canavan's disease
CAT scan
CAT scan, abnormal
CAT scan, contrast enhanced
CAT scan, demyelinating disease
cerebellar lesion
cerebral autosomal dominate arteriopathy with subcortical infarction and leukoencephalopathy
cerebro hepato renal syndrome
cerebrospinal fluid, elevated protein of
cerebrospinal fluid, gammaglobulin of
Clinical Pathologic Conference(C.P.C.)
Cockayne's syndrome
color vision
color vision, impaired
conjunctival biopsy
corpus callosum, lesion of
cortical blindness
crying, pathologic
cultured skin fibroblasts
decerebrate posture
dementia, childhood
dementia, presenile
dementia, rapidly progressive
demyelinating disease
DNA probes
drug induced neurologic disorders
dysarthria-clumsy hand syndrome
electroencephalogram, abnormalities of
electron microscopy
enzyme, defect
epidemiology of neurology
erucic acid therapy
evoked potentials
fatty acid, elevated plasma content
frontal lobe, pathologic signs of
fundus, abnormality of
gait disorder
gangliosidosis GM1
gangliosidosis, generalized
gene mutation
gene therapy
genetic counselling
genetic diagnosis, prenatal
genetic linkage
genetic neurologic disorders
genetic screening
genetic testing
grasp reflex
Hallervorden Spatz disease
hearing loss
hearing problems in children
HMGcoA reductase inhibitors
hormone replacement
hyperpigmentation of skin
inborn errors of metabolism
inclusion bodies
inclusion bodies, intracytopasmic
intellectual deterioration
Kearns-Sayre syndrome
Kluver-Bucy syndrome
Krabbe's disease
Laurence-Moon-Bardet-Biedl syndrome
leukoencephalopathy, differential diagnosis
lipid storage disorder of CNS
Lorenzo's oil
macular degeneration
mental retardation
metabolic disorder, primary
metachromatic leukodystrophy
mitochondrial disease
MRI, abnormal
MRI, CAT scan compared to
MRI, contrast enhanced
MRI, demyelinating disease
MRI, spinal cord
multiple sclerosis
multiple sclerosis, familial
multiple sclerosis, misdiagnosis
muscular dystrophy
myopathy, mitochondrial
nerve biopsy
nerve conduction studies
neuroaxonal dystrophy
neurologic disease
neurologic disease, diagnoses of
neurologic signs
neuronal ceroid-lipofuscinosis
neuropathy, hereditary peripheral
neuropathy, peripheral
Niemann-Pick disease
night blindness
oleic acid therapy
ophthalmoplegia, plus syndrome
optic atrophy
optic nerve
optic neuropathy
paraparesis, familial spastic
paraparesis, spastic
PAS positive
PAS positive material in the brain
Pelizaeus Merzbacher
peroxisomal disease
personality change
pigmentary retinopathy
prenatal diagnosis by amniocentesis
prevention of neurologic disorders
progressive multifocal leucoencephalopathy
progressive neurologic disorder
pseudobulbar palsy
psychiatric problems in neurologic disorders
psychomotor retardation
refractive errors
Refsum's disease
retinal degeneration
retinal lesion
retinitis pigmentosa
review article
seizure, neonatal
sensorineural hearing loss
skin, biopsy
skin, darkening of
somatosensory evoked potentials
spinal cord, lesion of
spinal cord, pathologic exam of
spinocerebellar degeneration
spongy degeneration of brain
steroid therapy, CNS treatment and complications with
symmetric brain lesions
tapetoretinal degeneration
temporal lobe, lesion
temporal lobe, lesion, bilateral
testicular atrophy
testicular biopsy
treatment of neurologic disorder
urinary incontinence
Usher's syndrome
very long chain fatty acids
visual evoked response
visual field defect
visual loss
visual loss, slow
weight loss
white matter disease
white matter disease, unilateral
x-linked hydrocephalus
x-linked mental retardation
Showing articles 500 to 550 of 577 << Previous Next >>

Calcification of the Basal Ganglia:Computerized Tomography & Clinical Correlation
Neurol 29:328-333, Koller,W.C.,et al, 1979

Neurologic Disturbances in Pagets Disease of Bone:Response to Calcitonin
Neurol 29:448-457, Chen,J.R.,et al, 1979

Hydrocephalic Dementia in Pagets Disease of the Skull:Treatment by Ventriculoatrial Shunt
Neurol 29:513-516, Goldhammer,Y.,et al, 1979

Idiopathic Hypoparathyroidism Presenting as Dementia
Neurol 29:393-394, Slyter,H., 1979

Chiasmal Syndrome in Sphenoid Sinus Mucocele
Ann Neurol 4:440-444, Goodwin,J.A.,et al, 1978

Tuberculous Brain Abscess
Arch Neurol 35:148, 1978, Whitener,D.R., 1978

Meningeal Sarcoma of the Spinal Cord in a Newborn
Arch Neurol 35:844-846, Zwartverwer,F.K.,et al, 1978

Recent Cases of Intracranial Tuberculomas
et al. , Neurol 28:256978., Mayers,M.M., 1978

Intracranial Arteriovenous Malformations in Childhood
Ann Neurol 3:338, Kelly,J.J.,et al, 1978

Familial Cavernous Angiomas
Arch Neurol 35:746-749, Bicknell,J.M.,et al, 1978

Cerebral Cysticercosis
Neurol 28:838-842, Latovitzki,N.,et al, 1978

Systemic Membrane Defect in the Proximal Muscular Dystrophies
NEJM 299:841-846, Pickard,N.A.,et al, 1978

Prolactin-Secreting Tumors & Hypogonadism in 22 Men
NEJM 299:847-852, Carter,J.N.,et al, 1978

Calcification in Brainstem Gliomas
Neurol 28:832-834, Duffner,P.K.,et al, 1978

Pineal Tumors
Arch Neurol 35:736-740, Donat,J.F.,et al, 1978

Juvenile Amaurotic Idiocy (Neuronal Ceroid Lipofuscinosis) & Lymphocyte Fingerprint Profiles
Ann Neurol 4:531-536, Baumann,R.J.,et al, 1978

Neurological Complications in Patients with Malignant Tumors of the Nasopharynx
Eur Neurol 17:149-154, Turgman,J.,et al, 1978

Relative Detectability of Intracranial Calcifications on Computed Tomography & Skull Radiography
J Comput Assist Tomogr 2:61-64, Norman,D.,et al, 1978

Management & Outcome of Pyogenic Vertebral Osteomyelitis
Clin Orthopedics & Related Research 131:160-167978., Frederickson,B.,et al, 1978

Computed Tomography & Skull Radiography in the Diagnosis of Calcified Brain Tumor
Am J Roentgenol 130:761-764, Gouliamos,A.D.,et al, 1978

Epileptogenic Mineralization:Pathological Variants with Good Prognosis
Ann Neurol 2:332, Averback,P., 1977

Sarcoidosis, Galactorrhea, & Amenorrhea:Two Autopsy Cases, One with Chiari-Frommel Syndrome
Ann Neurol 2:130, Brust,J.C.M.,et al, 1977

X-linked Muscular Dystrophy
Ann Neurol 2:414, Furukawa,T.,et al, 1977

Radicular Compression in Multifocal Eosinophilic Granuloma
Arch Neurol 34:786, Eil,C.,et al, 1977

Neurological Complications of Infantile Osteopetrosis
Ann Neurol 2:378, Lehman,R.A.W.,et al, 1977

Case Records of the MGH
Metastatic Choreocarcinoma from Ovary, NEJM 296:9261977., , 1977

Neurologic Aspects of Hereditary Hemorrhagic Telangiectasia
Arch Neurol 34:101, Adams,H.P.,et al, 1977

Subacute meningitis heralding a diffuse granulomatous angiitis: (Wegener's granulomatosis? )
Neurol, 27:2621977., Atcheson,S.G.,et al, 1977

The Spectrum of Mild X-Linked Recessive Muscular Dystrophy
Arch Neurol 34:408, Ringer,S.P.,et al, 1977

Eosinophilic Polymyositis
Ann Neurol 1:65, Layzer,R.B.,et al, 1977

Galactorrhea:A Study of 235 Cases, Including 48 with Pituitary Tumors
NEJM 296:589, Kleinberg,D.L.,et al, 1977

Clinical Pathological Conference
Multiple Myeloma with Paraneoplastic Motor Neuropathy & Cauda-equina Compression, Case Record 31-197, , NE97:266,1977., 1977

Hypoliquorreic Headache & Pneumocephalus Vaused by Thoraco-subarachnoid Fistula
Neurol 27:993, Labadie,E.L.,et al, 1977

Neurologic Manifestations in Sarcoidosis
Ann Int Med 87:336, Delaney,P., 1977

Case Record MGH
Necrotizing Myelopathy with Carcinoma, NEJM 294:14471976., , 1976

Case Record of MGH-Crytococcal Meningitis in Hodgkins Disease
NEJM 295:34, , 1976

MGH-CPC-Ataxic Telangiectasia & Left Frontal Lobe Glioma
NEJM 292:1231, , 1975

Evaluation of Exophthalmos
NEJM 292:1005-1013, Grove,A.S., 1975

Spontaneous Infarction in Pituitary Tumors:Neurologic & Therapeutic Aspects
Neurol 25:580-587, Conomy,J.P.,et al, 1975

Malignant External Otitis & Facial Paralysis
Otolaryng Clin North Am 7:375, Chandler,J.R., 1974

Clinical Pathological Conference-The Man Without a History-CA of Lung with Marantic Endocarditis & Cerebral Emboli
JAMA 227:1052, Locke,S.,et al, 1974

Infiltration of the Leptomeninges by Systemic Cancer:a Clinical & Pathologic Study
Arch Neurol 30:122, Olson,M.E.,et al, 1974

Sarcoidosis of the Central Nervous System
JNNP 36:1024, Douglas,A.C.,et al, 1973

Neurologic Manifestations of Progressive Systemic Sclerosis, 1972
Nebraska Med J 58:106, Aita,J.A., 1973

Case Records of MGH-NEJM 289:366
1973 Tuberculoma of Cerebral hemisphere & Brain Stem., , 1973

Coccidioidal Meningitis IntrathecalTreatment w/Hyperbaric Amphotericin B
Calif Med 119:6, Glynn,K.,et al, 1973

The J. Burns Amberson Lecture-Pulmonary Angiitis & Granulomatosis
Amer Review of Resp Dis 108:1, Liebow,A., 1973

Eosinophilic Granulome (X-ray)
Hospital Physician 3:27, , 1973

Hospital Physician p. 62 July 1973., , 1973

Air Embolism Complicating Percutaneous Needle Biopsy of the Lung
Chest 63:108-110, Westcott,J.L., 1973

Showing articles 500 to 550 of 577 << Previous Next >>