Neurology Specific Literature Search   

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activated protein C resistance
acute necrotizing encephalitis
altered states of consciousness
angiography, cerebral, beaded vessels
angiography, cerebral
anticardiolipin antibodies
anticoagulant, treatment
antiphospholipid antibodies
antithrombin III deficiency
antiviral agents
behavioral disorder
Behcet's syndrome
blood dyscrasias, neurologic findings with
brain biopsy
brain scan
brainstem, infarction of
calcification, intracranial
carcinoma of lung
CAT scan, abnormal
CAT scan, venography
cataracts, congenital
central nervous system, infection of
cerebral infarction
cerebral ischemia
cerebral venous infarction
cerebral venous thrombosis
cerebral venous thrombosis, deep
cerebral venous thrombosis, etiology
cerebral venous thrombosis, recurrent
cerebrospinal fluid, cytology
cerebrospinal fluid, gammaglobulin of
cerebrospinal fluid, red cells in
cerebrospinal fluid, xanthochromia of
cerebrovascular accident
cerebrovascular accident, acute management of
cerebrovascular accident, cost of
cerebrovascular accident, familial occurrence
cerebrovascular accident, infancy and childhood
cerebrovascular accident, prevention of
cerebrovascular accident, recurrent
cerebrovascular accident, thrombolytic agents in treatment
cerebrovascular accident, women
cerebrovascular accident, work up for
cerebrovascular accident, young adult
chest x-ray, abnormal
Clinical Pathologic Conference(C.P.C.)
cost effectiveness
craniectomy, decompressive
cyst, porencephalic
cytomegalic inclusion disease
cytosine arabinoside
depression, psychotic
disseminated intravascular coagulation(DIC)
dural sinus thrombosis
electron microscopy
encephalitis, brainstem
encephalitis, viral
endovascular therapy
epidemiology of neurology
evidence-based research
facial nerve palsy
facial pain
Factor V Leiden
fibrinolytic agents
fibrinolytic agents, intra-venous local infusion
F-wave response
genetic neurologic disorders
glioblastoma multiforme(astrocytoma Gr.III)
Guillain Barre syndrome
headache, severe
hemoglobin abnormality, neurologic complications of
herpes encephalitis
herpes labialis
herpes simplex encephalitis
herpes simplex encephalitis, differential diagnosis of
herpes simplex encephalitis, recurrent
herpes simplex encephalitis, treatment of
herpes simplex myelitis
herpes simplex virus
herpes simplex virus infection, immunosuppressed patient
herpes simplex virus, human nervous system and
herpes simplex virus, localization of
herpes simplex virus, malignancy with
herpes simplex virus, pathogenesis of
herpes simplex virus, pathology of
herpes simplex, neurocutaneous lesions in
herpes virus
herpes virus infection
herpes zoster
herpes, genital
human herpesvirus 6
immunofluorescent exam of CSF cells
inclusion bodies, intranuclear
infantile hemiplegia
infectious mononucleosis
interferon inducer
interobserver agreement
intracranial hypertension, benign
intracranial pressure, increased
intrauterine infection, viral
intrauterine infection, viral of CNS
jaw pain
leukemia, neurologic findings assoc.with
level of consciousness, decreased
limbic encephalitis
limbic system
lupus anticoagulant
malformation, CNS, congenital
meningitis, aseptic
mental status, abnormal
midbrain, infarction of
middle cerebral artery territory infarction
middle cerebral artery, occlusion of
monoamines, brain
MRI, abnormal
MRI, CAT scan compared to
MRI, contrast enhanced
MRI, sulcal hyperintensity
MRI, venography
multiple sclerosis
muscle tenderness
myeloproliferative disorder
myoclonic jerks
neoplasm, primary intracerebral
neurologic complications of, systemic disease
neurologic disease, diagnoses of
neurologic examination, focal
opportunistic infection
opportunistic infection, CNS
optic atrophy
oral contraceptives
oral contraceptives, cerbrovascular disease and
oral contraceptives, neurologic complications with
pain, leg
pain, thigh
paroxysmal nocturnal hemoglobinuria
periarteritis nodosa
personality change
plasminogen deficiency
pleocytosis of cerebrospinal fluid
polycythemia, primary
polyinosinic cytidic acid(poly IC)
polymerase chain reaction
practice guidelines
pregnancy, neurologic complications in
prethrombotic state
primary thrombocythemia
protein C deficiency
protein S deficiency
psychiatric problems in neurologic disorders
psychomotor retardation
remote effect of cancer on the nervous system
review article
risk factors
rubella virus
seizure, psychomotor-temporal lobe
sickle cell disease
stem cell transplantation
steroid therapy, CNS treatment and complications with
straight sinus
subacute myelo-opticoneuropathy(S.M.O.N.)complex
subtemporal decompression
superior sagittal sinus thrombosis
tissue plasminogen activator, intravenous
transplacental virus infections
treatment of neurologic disorder
trigeminal neuralgia
varicella zoster virus
viral infection
viral infection, CNS
weakness, generalized
weight loss
wide based gait
zoster sine herpete
Showing articles 150 to 200 of 396 << Previous Next >>

Clinicopath Conf,Classic Polyarteritis Nodosa Associated with Hepatitis B Infection
NEJM 348:333-342, Case 3-2003, 2003

Clinicopath Conf., Chronic Inflammatory Demyelinating Polyneuropathy
NEJM 348:735-743, Case 6-2003, 2003

Antioxidant Vitamin Intake and Risk of Alzheimer Disease
Arch Neurol 60:203-208, Luchsinger,J.A.,et al, 2003

Neurologic Complications of Anthrax
Arch Neurol 60:483-488, Meyer,M.A., 2003

Clinicopath Conf., Brain Abscess Due to Infection with Streptococcus milleri and Haemophilus aphrophilus
NEJM 348:2125-2132, Case 16:2003, 2003

Clinicopath Conf., West Nile Virus Meningoencephalitis
NEJM 348:2239-2247, Case17-2003, 2003

Clinicopath Conf., Giant-Cell Arteritis
NEJM 349:170-180, Case 21-2003, 2003

Dietary Antioxidants and the Risk of Ischemic Stroke
Neurol 61:1273-1275, Voko,Z.,et al, 2003

C-Reactive Protein Predicts Further Ischemic Events in First-Ever Transient Ischemic Attack or Stroke Patients With Intracrnial Large-Artery Occlusive Disease
Stroke 34:2463-2470, Arenillas,J.F.,et al, 2003

Anthrax meningoencephalitis
Neurol 59:327-334,300, Lanska,D.J., 2002

Polymyalgia Rheumatica and Giant-Cell Arteritis
NEJM 347:261-271, Salvarani,C.,et al, 2002

Intakes of Vitamins E and C, Carotenoids, Vitamin Supplements, and PD Risk
Neurol 59:1161-1169, Zhang,S.M.,et al, 2002

Two Patients With Unusual Forms of Varicella-Zoster Virus Vasculopathy
NEJM 347:1500-1503, Gilden,D.H.,et al, 2002

Prospective Assessment of Risk Factors for Recurrent Stroke During Childhood--A 5-year Follow-up Study
Lancet 360:1540-1545,1526, Strater,R.,et al, 2002

HIV-associated Neurologic Disease Incidence Changes: Multicenter AIDS Cohort Study, 1990-1998
Neurol 56:257-260, Sacktor,N.,et al, 2001

Clinical Spectrum of Chronic Acquired Demyelinating Polyneuropathies
Muscle & Nerve 24:311-324, Saperstein,D.S.,et al, 2001

C-Reactive Protein in Ischemic Stroke
Stroke 32:917-924, De Napoli,M.,et al, 2001

Early Electrodiagnostic Findings in Guillain-Barre Syndrome
Arch Neurol 58:913-917, Gordon,P.H. & Wilbourn,A.J., 2001

Nonpoliovirus Poliomyelitis Simulating Guillain-Barre Syndrome
Arch Neurol 58:1460-1464, Gorson,K.C.&Ropper,A.H., 2001

An ALS-Like Syndrome with New HIV Infection and Complete Response to Antiretroviral Therapy
Neurol 57:1094-1097,945, MacGowan,D.J.L.,et al, 2001

Reversible ALS-Like Disorder in HIV Infection
Neurol 57:995-1001,945, Moulignier,A.,et al, 2001

Acute Disseminated Encephalomyelitis Associated with Hepatitis C Virus Infection
Arch Neurol 58:1679-1681, Sacconi,S.,et al, 2001

Plasma Concentration of C-Reactive Protein and Risk of Ischemic Stroke and Transient Ischemic Attack
Stroke 32:2575-2579, Rost,N.S.,et al, 2001

C-Reactive Protein Levels and Viable Chlamydia pneumoniae in Carotid Artery Atherosclerosis
Stroke 32:2748-2752, Claiborne Johnston,S.,et al, 2001

Adverse Effects of Antiretroviral Therapy
Lancet 356:1423-1430, Carr,A. &Cooper, D.A., 2000

Diagnosis and Treatment of Intravascular Lymphomatosis
ArchNeurol 57:374-377, Baumann,T.P.,et al, 2000

Clinicopath Conf,Cerebral Amyloid Angiogpathy and Giant-Cell Inflammatory Reaction to Beta 4-Amyloid and Vasculitis, Case 10-2000
NEJM 342:957-965, , 2000

Decreasing Incidence of CNS AIDS-Defining Events Associated with Antiretroviral Therapy
Neurol 54:1856-1859, d'Arminion Monforte,A.,et al, 2000

Highly Active Antiretroviral Therapy for Patients with AIDS Dementia Complex: Effect on MR Imaging Findings and Clinical Course
AJNR 21:670-678, Thurnher,M.M.,et al, 2000

Therapeutic Dilemma
Neurol 54:1404-1407, Romanelli,F.,et al, 2000

Incidence and Prevalence of Neurological Disorders Associated with HIV Since the Introduction of Highly Active Antiretroviral Therapy (HAART)
JNNP 69:376-380, Maschke,M. et al, 2000

Early Diagnosis of Zoster Sine Herpete and Ativiral Therapy for the Treatment of Facial Palsy
Neurol 55:708-710, Furuta,Y. et al, 2000

Progressive Multifocal Leucoencephalopathy: Progress in the AIDS Era
JNNP 69:569-571, Manji,H. & Miller,R.F., 2000

AIDS-Related Focal Brain Lesions in the Era of Highly Active Antiretroviral Therapy
Neurol 55:1194-1200, Ammassari,A.,et al, 2000

Intake of Flavonoids, Carotenoids,Vitamins C and E, and Risk of Stroke in Male Smokers
Stroke 31:2301-2306, Hirvonen,T.,et al, 2000

Diagnostic Testing for Coagulopathies in Patients With Ischemic Stroke
Stroke 31:3067-3078, Bushnell,C.D. & Goldstein,L.B., 2000

Protein C Deficiency Related to Valproic Acid Therapy: A Possible Association with Childhood Stroke
J Pediatr 137:714-718, Gruppo,R.,et al, 2000

Intravenous Immunoglobulin Treatment in Neurologic Disorders
Arch Neurol 56:1025-1027,1032, Sorensen,P.S., 1999

Neurologic Complications Associated with Hepatitis C Virus Infection
Neurol 53:861-864, Tembl,J.I.,et al, 1999

Effect of Vitamin C on Frequency of Reflex Sympathetic Dystrophty in Wrist Fractures:A Randomised Trial
Lancet 354:2025-2028, Zollinger,P.E.,et al, 1999

Bell's Palsy and HSV-1 Infection
Muscle & Nerve 22:1476-1478, Marra,C.M., 1999

HAART Improves Prognosis in HIV-Associated Progressive Multifocal Leukoencephalopathy
Neurol 52:623-625,440, Clifford,D.B.,et al, 1999

C-Reactive Protein and Outcome After Ischemic Stroke
Stroke 30:981-985, Muir,K.W.,et al, 1999

Prevention of Postherpetic Neuralgia
Lancet 353:1636-1637, Dworkin,R.H., 1999

Relation of Consumption of Vitamin E, Vitamin C, and Carotenoids to Risk for Stroke among Men in the United States
Ann Int Med 130:963-970, Ascherio,A.,et al, 1999

Difficult Asthma or Churg-Strauss Syndrome? Steroids May be Masking Undiagnosed Cases of Churg-Strauss Syndrome
BMJ 318:475-476, D'Cruz,D.P.,et al, 1999

Superficial Siderosis of the Central Nervous System,A Late Complication of Cerebellar Tumors
Neurol 52:163-169, Anderson,N.E.,et al, 1999

Clinicopath Conf,Hepatitis C,Type II Cryoglobulinemia,Vasculitis,B-cell Lymphoma,Mononeuritis Multiplex,Case 3-1999
NEJM 340:300-307, , 1999

Neurological Manifestations of Chronic Hepatitis C
J Neurol 246:486-491, Heckmann, J.G.,et al, 1999

Rapid Diagnosis of Varicella Zoster Virus Infection in Acute Facial Palsy
Neurol 51:1202-1205, Murakami,S.,et al, 1998

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