Neurology Specific Literature Search   
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 Ca Cb Cc Cd Ce Cf Cg Ch Ci Cj Ck Cl Cm
 Cn Co Cp Cq Cr Cs Ct Cu Cv Cw Cx Cy Cz

CO (16845)
CO 2 in cerebral vascular disease (80)
CO2 retention (12860)
coagulation abnormality (11566)
coagulometer (17015)
coagulopathy (7766)
coagumeter (16729)
coarctation of aorta (5759)
coarse facies (13971)
coat-hanger pain (19949)
Coats syndrome (7193)
cobalamin C deficiency (20189)
cobalamin deficiency (5607)
cobalamin,metabolism,defective (8732)
cobalt toxicity (19769)
Cobb syndrome (9994)
cocaine (2441)
cocaine,intrauterine exposure (10874)
coccidioidal meningitis (3632)
coccidioidomycosis (387)
coccix pain (11324)
coccygodynia (6246)
cochleae (20354)
cochlear implant (9712)
cochlear nerve (3633)
Cockayne's syndrome (1340)
cock-up splint (14658)
Code ICH (20823)
codeine (10949)
codfish vertebrae (19189)
coding (20051)
coeliac disease (17874)
coenurosis,meningitis (3250)
coenzyme Q10 (14775)
coenzyme Q10 deficiency (14925)
coffee (6735)
Coffin-Siris syndrome (7913)
Cogan's syndrome (3315)
cogentin (2288)
cognex (11605)
cognition (11980)
cognition,slowed (20262)
cognitive behavioral therapy (18917)
cognitive bias (19844)
cognitive decline (17750)
cognitive deficit (8609)
cognitive delay (18194)
cognitive dysfunction (16228)
cognitive enhancement (16726)
cognitive function (9713)
cognitive function with anticonvulsants (9224)
cognitive impairment (9714)
cognitive impairment,subjective (17591)
cognitive therapy (19510)
cognitive-motor dissociation (19710)
cogwheel pursuit movements (1226)
cogwheel rigidty (3048)
coil embolization (13650)
coiling,aneurysm (18529)
coin lesion on chest X-ray (4744)
coin rotation test (17000)
coinfection (17466)
coital cephalgia (10310)
coitus (4760)
COL4A1 related disorder (20922)
colchicine (6736)
cold extremity (14352)
cold hands sign (18982)
cold hemiplegic arm (12637)
cold injury,nerve (6964)
cold intolerance (1811)
cold temperature (8683)
coldness (14482)
colectomy (12408)
colic (17990)
colitis (3164)
collagen vascular disease (134)
collagenase (6737)
collagenous sprue (5347)
collapsed vertebrae (5262)
collapsin response mediator protein 5 IgG (16834)
collateral circulation (88)
collateral vessels (16766)
collective intelligence (19842)
Collet-Sicard syndrome (8958)
colliculi (10950)
Collier's sign (2254)
collision tumors,intracranial (20265)
colloid cyst (5348)
colloid cyst of third ventricle (876)
colloidal gold curve (3634)
coloboma (5280)
Colombia (19169)
colon cancer (13878)
colon resection (12409)
colon,cancer of (6965)
colon,distended (20339)
colon,pseudoobstruction (1403)
colonoscopy (14712)
color blindness (5760)
color desaturation (18038)
color doppler (9715)
color naming,difficulty with (3635)
color vision (1290)
color vision,impaired (948)
color vision,impaired,cerebral (5761)
color vision,impaired,sudden onset (19292)
colpocephaly (7194)
coma (68)
coma vigile (3639)
coma,acute (18271)
coma,alcoholic (7195)
coma,alpha (3636)
coma,anoxic (15626)
coma,causes of (1052)
coma,classification of (229)
coma,differential diagnosis of (3637)
coma,electroencephalography in (2692)
coma,episodic (16414)
coma,eyes open (20270)
coma,hyperosmotic (5762)
coma,induced (20319)
coma,management of (222)
coma,medically induced (15511)
coma,myxedema (3638)
coma,postpartum (13453)
coma,prognosis of (4990)
coma,rapidly progressive (18713)
coma,sudden onset (18272)
coma,unknown etiology (1053)
comatose (3640)
combat sports (17461)
combative behavior (9995)
combined system disease (12410)
commissurotomy,cerebral (5350)
common peroneal nerve (5203)
common variable immunodeficiency (12411)
communication (18203)
Community hospital (15240)
comorbidities (17433)
compartment syndrome (8159)
compartment syndrome,abdominal (17020)
compartment syndrome,gluteal (18039)
compartment syndrome,medial brachial fascial (15073)
compartment syndrome,orbital (19614)
compazine (2796)
competence (10311)
competency (10312)
complement (9482)
complement deficiency (8733)
complement fixation antibodies (5763)
complement fixation test of CSF (4785)
complement,cerebral spinal fluid (3641)
complement,serum (1748)
complementary medicine (18315)
complete blood count (18372)
complete heart block (3137)
completion phenomena (5764)
complex partial seizure (5984)
complex partial status epilepticus (5351)
complex regional pain syndrome (18528)
compliance (12140)
complicated migraine (1612)
complications (12638)
compounded drugs (17858)
compounding (17857)
comprehension (18201)
comprehension,impaired (8027)
compressed spectral array of electroencephalogram (6966)
compression fracture (4894)
compression neuropathy (1729)
compression neuropathy,recurrent (10951)
compression stockings (15346)
compressive myelopathy (17976)
compromised host (7767)
compulsive singing (16207)
compulsivity (15965)
computed angiotomography (7196)
computer diagnosis (20091)
computer simulation (16586)
computerized axial tomography scan (3642)
computerized EEG (11981)
computerized electroencephalogram (11982)
computerized transaxial tomography (3643)
computers,handheld (15208)
computers,medicine and (4735)
computers,neurologic diagnosis and (4736)
COMT inhibitor (13061)
comtan (13454)
concentration,impaired (9225)
concentric sclerosis (2332)
concerta (15200)
concussion (399)
concussion amnesia (3644)
concussion,recurrent (15062)
concussion,return-to-play following (14002)
concussive convulsions (18040)
conduction abnormality (17664)
conduction aphasia (3647)
conduction block (10629)
conduction defect,cardiac (6247)
conductive hearing loss (8959)
cone-rod dystrophy (20408)
confabulation (226)
confidentiality (18041)
conflict of interest (13241)
confusion (2364)
confusional state,acute (3088)
congenital abnormality (11567)
congenital AIDS (9996)
congenital anomalies (3645)
congenital anomaly of CNS (3646)
congenital anosmia (12639)
congenital ataxia (6738)
congenital atlanto axial dislocation (3648)
congenital bilateral perisylvian syndrome (11321)
congenital birth defects (1686)
congenital blindness (20425)
congenital brain tumor (9716)
congenital central hypoventilation (5608)
congenital deafness (3649)
congenital deformities (2045)
congenital disc blurring (1435)
congenital dislocated hip (5352)
congenital dystrophica myotonia (3650)
congenital familial sensory neuropathy (2546)
congenital hearing loss (20515)
congenital heart disease (1674)
congenital heart disease,CNS complications with (625)
congenital hemiatrophy (3651)
congenital hemihypertrophy (3652)
congenital hemiplegia (3653)
congenital hip dislocation (8384)
congenital infection (9226)
congenital infection,CNS (794)
congenital infection,viral (1204)
congenital inflammatory myopathy (9717)
congenital malformation (1667)
congenital malformation,CNS (3654)
congenital malformation,dilantin therapy causing (1676)
congenital malformation,non CNS (2507)
congenital megacolon (3655)
congenital muscle hypertrophy (9997)
congenital muscular dystrophy (9227)
congenital myastenia gravis (5141)
congenital myasthenic syndromes (12991)
congenital myopathy (5353)
congenital myopathy,inflammatory (9718)
congenital nystagmus (3656)
congenital ocular motor apraxia (5765)
congenital paresis (2711)
congenital ptosis (6739)
congenital rubella syndrome (7197)
congenital syphilis (11322)
congenital weakness (12861)
congestive heart failure (3114)
Congo red stain (13877)
congophilic angiopathy (5354)
conjugal Alzheimer's (11568)
conjugal amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (9659)
conjugal Jakob-Creutzfeldt disease (13242)
conjugal multiple sclerosis (9921)
conjugal temporal arteritis (9998)
conjugate eye deviation (10313)
conjugate gaze deviation (8385)
conjugate gaze palsy (12640)
conjugate gaze paresis (3657)
conjugate gaze,forced (8160)
conjunctival biopsy (6494)
conjunctival edema (10314)
conjunctival engorgement (15429)
conjunctival hemorrhage (5985)
conjunctival injection (1309)
conjunctival vessel tortuosity (19102)
conjunctivitis (2739)
connective tissue disease (3658)
Conn's syndrome (19864)
consanguinity (1329)
conscious sedation (17068)
consciousness,decreased (3101)
consensus statement (16428)
consent (13848)
constipation (1806)
constricted visual fields (3659)
constructional apraxia (5609)
consumption coagulopathy (1543)
contactin associated protein like 2 antibodies (17361)
contagion (20075)
continuing medical education (13894)
continuous electroencephalogram monitoring (14530)
continuous heart monitoring (18175)
continuous muscle fiber activity (9999)
continuous positive airway pressure (11569)
contraceptives (13456)
contraceptives,neurologic complications with oral (3660)
contraction band necrosis (15588)
contractures (4807)
contractures,joint (4814)
contraindications (14620)
contrast agent (16064)
contrast agents,neurotoxicity of (7431)
contrast extravasation (18157)
contrast sensitivity (6740)
controversies in neurology (12141)
contusion,cerebral (537)
conus medullaris vs.cauda equina lesion (2049)
conus medullaris,lesion of (2027)
convergence (3322)
convergence evoked nystagmus (9483)
convergence nystagmus (9484)
convergence spasm (6967)
convergence,impaired (3084)
conversion disorder (12412)
conversion hysteria (3661)
conversion reaction (1009)
conversion reaction,children (5057)
convexity subarachnoid hemorrhage (16249)
convulsion (3662)
convulsive syncope (10505)
cooling therapy (13455)
Coombs test,positive (1959)
coordination,impaired (6968)
cop 1 (8386)
copaxone (13062)
COPD (12988)
copolymer 1 (8669)
copper (19097)
copper deficiency (15129)
copper metabolism,abnormal (5766)
coprolalia (2017)
copying (11323)
CoQ10 (17559)
cor pulmonale (1963)
cord sign (12325)
cordotomy (2800)
cordotomy,percutaneous (2803)
core competencies (15171)
corectopia (3663)
corgard (12364)
corkscrew cerebral veins (19982)
corkscrew hairs (8161)
cornea (1357)
cornea,abnormal (1344)
cornea,keratitis of (9719)
cornea,opacification in infancy-causes of (1358)
cornea,opacity of (2857)
corneal clouding (14884)
corneal confocal microscopy (15560)
corneal dystrophy (1359)
corneal edema (20073)
corneal reflex,abnormal (1240)
corneal reflex,absent (15163)
corneal reflex,depressed (1049)
corneal transplant (5767)
corneal ulceration (10315)
Cornelia de Lange syndrome (8960)
corneomandibular reflex (1305)
corona radiata (7432)
coronal sections of whole brain (183)
coronary angiography (13243)
coronary angioplasty (10240)
coronary arteriography (9485)
coronary artery bypass (6248)
coronary artery disease (2302)
coronary artery dissection (20682)
coronary artery spasm (10952)
coronary artery stent (15621)
coronary artery vasospasm (10953)
coronary care unit (8961)
coronary thrombolysis (10954)
coronary vasospasm (10955)
coronavirus (15326)
corpalgia (16455)
corpectomy (11570)
corproporphyrins (1648)
corpus callosotomy (7433)
corpus callosum (471)
corpus callosum,agenesis of (5281)
corpus callosum,atrophy of (10316)
corpus callosum,cyst of (8387)
corpus callosum,genu (12196)
corpus callosum,hypoplastic (10317)
corpus callosum,infarction of (5768)
corpus callosum,lesion of (9720)
corpus callosum,neoplasm of (482)
corpus callosum,section of (8734)
corpus callosum,splenium (5769)
corpus callosum,thinning (18872)
corpuscallosotomy (12783)
corset (12317)
cortectomy (11325)
cortex (94)
cortical atrophy,cerebral (3664)
cortical blindness (138)
cortical blindness,transient (783)
cortical blindness,transient-post traumatic (2940)
cortical border zone infarct (15650)
cortical deafness (5025)
cortical demyelination (17504)
cortical disinhibition (6969)
cortical dysplasia,focal (12784)
cortical encephalitis (20872)
cortical enhancement (20188)
cortical evoked responses (6495)
cortical hand (17972)
cortical hand knob (17968)
cortical hand knob infarct (17969)
cortical hemorrhage (14076)
cortical infarction (13199)
cortical infarction,small (15056)
cortical laminar necrosis (15068)
cortical lesion (15270)
cortical muscle atrophy (10200)
cortical muscular atrophy (10201)
cortical myoclonus (13457)
cortical resection (11326)
cortical ribbon (17747)
cortical ribboning (20698)
cortical stroke (14926)
cortical superficial siderosis (19131)
cortical symptoms (19719)
cortical topography (14468)
cortical transection,multiple (12641)
cortical vein thrombosis (3665)
cortical veins (14797)
cortical venous infarction (17707)
cortical wrist drop (20195)
cortical-basal ganglionic degeneration (8962)
corticobasal degeneration (13458)
corticobasal ganglionic degeneration (8963)
corticobasal syndrome (17917)
corticobulbar fibers (13459)
cortico-cortical connections (655)
corticodentatonigral degeneration (8964)
corticofugal inhibition (5610)
corticospinal tract (5173)
corticosteroids (16257)
corticotropin level (19622)
corticotropin-releasing factor (8028)
cortisol,elevated (4888)
cortisol,low (19154)
cortisol,urinary (20284)
corynebacterium acnes (5355)
coryza (17821)
cosmetic neurology (15319)
cost (16018)
cost effectiveness (10630)
cost of CVA (12862)
cost of multiple sclerosis (13910)
cost-benefit assessment (14051)
Costen's syndrome (516)
costoclavicular syndrome (5356)
Cotard's syndrome (20563)
cotton-wool spots (8029)
cough (2620)
cough headache (6249)
cough suppressant (14394)
cough syncope (7613)
coumadin (9721)
coumadin clinic (14138)
coumadin,eligibility for (16714)
coumarin (6250)
coumarin,coagulation test (19850)
coumarin,complications (18624)
coumarin,discontinuation (20309)
coumarin,failure of (14203)
coumarin,restarting treatment (17072)
coumarin,reversal (18623)
coumarin,stopping treatment (14369)
counselling (12642)
counterimmunoelectrophoresis (741)
counterimmunoelectrophoresis of CSF (654)
coup and contra coup injuries (864)
Cover-uncover test (12413)
COVID-19 (20049)
COVID-19, long (20720)
Cowden syndrome (15451)
Cowdry type A inclusions (18042)
cowpox (3666)
COX-2 inhibitor (14505)
Coxa saltans (19684)
Coxiella burnetti (8030)
coxsackievirus (3196)
coxsackievirus,myopathy with (2665)